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100th day of school...


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I just noticed a post about this in another thread and it made me wonder. Why do some of you celebrate this? I never have. Is there a specific reason? I just figured they're home for school, they HAVE to complete 100 days no matter what, right?


Help me to understand what I'm missing here. I love a good party if it's something I can add. :D

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I think it's mostly a school thing...they celebrate 100 days since it's past the half-way point of school...180 days is actually the requirement. Not sure of the actual 'history' behind it, other than just being a fun milestone of the year (mostly early elementary, in fact, probably just Kinder and *maybe* first...)

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When I taught in a public elementary school, it was common to do a number of the day to start the day. We'd do a kind of routine - Where is it on a numberline? How many tens and ones? Was it odd or even? I can't remember it exactly...

Then on the 100th day, you have a "party".

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Everyone brought in and counted 100 items. And I remember foR k and first we let off 100 balloons with contact info if thEy found a balloon to see how far they went. Ok so I intended on at least keeping track and didn't. I had a 100 chart laminatEd for this school year.

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Yeah, I remember having everything in 100's that day...everyone brought in snacks in denominations of 100...100 pieces of popcorn, 100 peanuts, 100 M&Ms, etc. They counted them out and then the class shared all the different snacks. We made 100 day 'glasses' to wear and/or 100 day hats. Everything was centered around the number 100 :P It's really cute and fun!

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I always thought the idea was to give some concrete measure of 100.


Works well for Ks, today you've come to school 100 times. Sure maybe most kids missed a day or three, but it is still a clear, concrete measure of how long 100 days is.


I've never understood how that translated to homeschool :confused: But maybe it is because school just flows into our life, I mean 100 days since we started reading books, I don't think so. 100 days since we sat and made letters at the table, nope. 100 days since we sounded out some letters, still doesn't really work for us.


I think if you had some other way to do a 100 day celebration it might work better then 100 school days. Maybe 100 days since we lived in this house, or since we got our new kitten, or since grandma came to visit. Something that will stand out to them to help them see "100".

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We're doing 100th Day Of School because it makes a great excuse for practicing place value, sequential counting, etc. It gives them a goal to work towards. Is there a point to it? Probably not, but it makes a fun deviation from the norm. :D


I also think younger grades do it in school for some of the same reasons. ;)

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My DS's K class did it. They used Saxon Math K, doing the morning meeting and all that. So I think they were counting each day of school on the hundreds chart, and working with each day's number as a PP described. On the 100th day of school, they brought in posters with 100 items on them (my son drew a 100 tornadoes :tongue_smilie:).


I haven't done it this year, though I did note when we passed a 100 days of school. We have "school days", so it's pretty clear in our house which days we've done school and which days we haven't. HST+ keeps attendance for me (I have to report it to my cover school). My first grader just didn't really need to celebrate 100, as he knew place value and the amount of 100 pretty well by then already.


I'm doing a 100 chart with my 4 year old now, but he doesn't do school everyday, so we don't have "100 days" for him. Maybe when he's K age...

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