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What can you list on Craig's List? Canning...

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My mother and her sister invested several hundred dollars in jars and canning stuff because my cousin swore she had several people who wanted to buy it all. Now (big surprise <sarcastic>) my cousin says she can't take them all back with her.


So, I recommended her to list the homemade salsa and such on Craig's List because people often want that. I know I would. Her concern is whether or not there would be a situation with a lack of food license of any kind. Would she get in trouble for offering canning for sale? (Alabama)



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Selling food out of the home can be risky. There may be a license requirement. Some states do allow cottage food industry but you'd have to check with your state. Also be prepared to provide a list of ingredients for the product.

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I think it is different wherever you are. I know in Maine, the standard is running water and a stainless sink of a certain dimension (at least for herbal products). For the same sort of things a friend in Mass has a "farmstand" license. Here, the rules are different, more difficult to negotiate in a home kitchen.


She should check with her county.

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I am not familiar with Craig's List, but I used to volunteer in a food pantry and we had to throw out donations of home canned goods as they didn't meet (local? state?) food regulations. (Dedicated commercial kitchen, health code inspections, etc.)

Honestly, I would never buy anything home canned off of Craig's List or at a garage sale or... you get the idea. :tongue_smilie:

Maybe they can obtain a permit to sell it at a local farmer's market?

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You need to check your state's laws. You could get in some trouble for selling if your state requires an inspection of your kitchen facilities or licensing.


I would not be inclined to do it because people are so "sue" happy these days and I doubt it would be covered under my homeowner's policy.



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