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Anyone have a CPO Earth Science Lab Materials List?

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Yes there is. The poster posted a link to her blog. The thread is in the Logic Forum. She also posted how she modified assignments to fit the HS setting. Try a search there and if you don't find it, start a thread there. I wish I could remember her username but I can't.

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Well, I've posted how I modified some labs. I don't think I posted the materials list though. Link is in signature :)


If you search under tags for CPO and/or CPO Earth you'll find some great threads :D


Wow! Your blog is so helpful! Thanks! How often do you do labs? How many days/hours per week do you do science?

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I started one...It really should be done by now. My DH is sick of looking at all the CPO books with my notebook still sitting on the kitchen island:blush: it's taunting me now as I type...Since I'm having about 70 people here for a party tomorrow, I can honestly say I don't have time right now...Did I mention I'm a bit of a procrastinator?


Seriously though, I will post the materials list, complete with prices, when I complete it...hopefully by Friday (unless someone else beats me to it). Most of the necessary materials I have been able to find on Homesciencetools.com


Luckymamas blog is extremely helpful....if only all the labs were on there...

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Wow! Your blog is so helpful! Thanks! How often do you do labs? How many days/hours per week do you do science?


Thanks! We do science every day for 30-90 minutes, depending on the topic. In general, we'd start the chapter with the first lab, then read/study/discuss the first section, do the second lab, read/study/discuss the second section, read/study/discuss the third section (if applicable), do all or some of the end-of-chapter stuff (science connection, chapter activity, chapter project), then finish up with the chapter assessment.


Luckymamas blog is extremely helpful....if only all the labs were on there...


:blush: I have still so many photos to upload to the blog. April and May were just nuts with my two highschoolers' school and Scout activities that I fell down on the postings.

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I have an amorphous thought that one could make a topo form using Legos in a bin...with something to keep it from floating in the water..... But what to use as the clear plastic top for drawing? I always get stuck there.


But if you poke around on the CPO site on the middle school earth science page you can see a short video about how to do that particular exercise. Ok, it isn't exactly 'hands on' but it might be good enough. I am doing so very many hands on exercises that I don't feel too badly about one little thing being taught via instructional video.

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