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CLE vs. Saxon with dive


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I love CLE math, but am tempted by Saxon in the upper levels because of the dive cds. Is Saxon with the dive cds pretty independent? How does it compare to CLE? I was just thinking that the dive cds may do a better job teaching my dd the concepts than me, KWIM?

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I have no experience with the DIVE math CDs. I LOVE CLE for the younger grades. My son is finishing 100 now. But for the upper level math we will use Saxon with the Saxon Teacher Cd's. My dd has used them with 8/7 and Algebra 1 and has done very well with them. I like that the teacher goes over the entire lesson and practice problems. Every single problem in each lesson and each test are also on the CDs. So if my daughter runs into a snag with something, she can go and watch it on the CD. I think the CDs do a better job presenting the material then I could. I am not comfortable teaching the upper level maths, so I like the added security that the Saxon Teacher Cds provide. :001_smile: She does use it independently, however I do still check over her work everyday. It just adds accountability that way.


Here's a link to the Saxon Teacher Cd's You can watch a demo here.

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I have no experience with the DIVE math CDs. I LOVE CLE for the younger grades. My son is finishing 100 now. But for the upper level math we will use Saxon with the Saxon Teacher Cd's. My dd has used them with 8/7 and Algebra 1 and has done very well with them. I like that the teacher goes over the entire lesson and practice problems. Every single problem in each lesson and each test are also on the CDs. So if my daughter runs into a snag with something, she can go and watch it on the CD. I think the CDs do a better job presenting the material then I could. I am not comfortable teaching the upper level maths, so I like the added security that the Saxon Teacher Cds provide. :001_smile: She does use it independently, however I do still check over her work everyday. It just adds accountability that way.


Here's a link to the Saxon Teacher Cd's You can watch a demo here.


Thanks for the link to the Saxon Teacher Cd's! Do you know how they are different than the DIVE cd's?


Does anyone know if a child would be ready for Saxon 5/4 if they have not covered division yet? I did take a placement test for the upper levels and she definitely needs to be in 5/4, but I'm wondering if she is even ready for that. We are just completing CLE 305. She will be in 4th grade next year. Does anyone know when a child can move on to Saxon 5/4 from CLE?

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Saon teacher DVD's go through the lesson in the book as it is written. Like having a teacher teach the actual lesson. It also works all of the problems in each lesson.


The Dive CD teaches the lesson, but uses different example problems related to the lesson. I like this one better as my daughter needs many examples. She also likes the guy who does the DIVE Cd


YOu can go to the Saxon website and see the differences for yourself. They have actual lessons from each CD that you can watch.

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I have seen a few posts where CLE users have gone from CLE 3 to Saxon 5/4 and even 6/5. Have you looked at the TOC or scope & sequence of Saxon 5/4? You could compare it to the scope & sequence of CLE 3.


Hopefully someone else who has used either one will chime in too. :)

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I don't prefer Saxon necessarily because the instruction is better. I think CLE does a great job with instruction in Sunrise Editions. I prefer Saxon because the CLE Sunrise Editions only go to 8th grade. They are working on updates beyond 8th but it wasn't going to be finished before my DD hit those levels. I didn't like the idea of switching in the upper levels unless absolutely necessary. 5/4 is a nice level to transition into Saxon.

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I don't prefer Saxon necessarily because the instruction is better. I think CLE does a great job with instruction in Sunrise Editions. I prefer Saxon because the CLE Sunrise Editions only go to 8th grade. They are working on updates beyond 8th but it wasn't going to be finished before my DD hit those levels. I didn't like the idea of switching in the upper levels unless absolutely necessary. 5/4 is a nice level to transition into Saxon.


Thanks, jannylynn!


My plan is to switch at some point b/c the Sunrise editions only go to 8th grade, I'm just not sure when to switch. I know it's not a huge deal, I just don't want to switch and regret it. I do like the idea of the dive cds. It kind of takes the pressure off of me if I'm not quite sure how to explain something.

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I know that traditionally many families have switched to Saxon at 5/4 favoring its format over Saxon K-3.


More recently, Saxon has made available its Intermediate 3 (I3) book written by Stephen Hake. Mr. Hake is also the author of 5/4. The format of I3 and the later Saxon books are practically identical.


Has anyone considered switching to Saxon earlier with I3, as opposed to 5/4?

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Thanks, jannylynn!


My plan is to switch at some point b/c the Sunrise editions only go to 8th grade, I'm just not sure when to switch. I know it's not a huge deal, I just don't want to switch and regret it. I do like the idea of the dive cds. It kind of takes the pressure off of me if I'm not quite sure how to explain something.


I think if you wait to switch at Alg. 1/2 you'll still be ok. ;) It really looks different from 76 so there's a methodolgy change at that point anyway. I didn't realize how much of a leap it takes! Alg. 1/2 is about when I need someone else to help teach. I'm considering using Art Reed's DVD's but I'm waiting to see if we need them. DD is pretty good at reading the lesson and figuring it out, so it might be an expense we can avoid. So we made it all the way to Alg. 1/2 without any DVD's.

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