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Help me wear the kids out - inside

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My kids really need to burn off some energy today. It's nice outside, but I know if they go out, the will come in stinky. We are meeting BIL's family for dinner tonight and I don't want to have to bathe the kids again. We have downstairs neighbors, so they can't jump around much. They have already been in trouble today and I don't want them to spend the whole afternoon in the corner (our version of timeout).


Any ideas??:confused:

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I don't know if this would be too loud for upstairs... but I was going to suggest penguins and iceburgs. Take pillows off the couch and beds, put them on the floor. They're the iceburgs. The penguins (kids) can only walk on the iceburgs. You can make up your own rules from there. My kids loved to do this when they were little.


Blind man's bluff.

Scavenger hunt

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I'm going to embarass myself here, but in the winters when we get cagey, I take the cushions off of the couch and let them jump there. It is fairly quiet and they love it. Ds is getting a bit too big though.


Do you want physical suggestions to tire them out, or just keep 'em quiet ideas?

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What about old standbys like simon says, charades, red light/green light etc? Or what about pretending to make a work out video (or actually make one) if they are interested, that could take up a LOT of time planning, picking music, exercising etc.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
I'd send them out, or go out and play with them. Trading a bath for a fun day outside seems like an easy one.


:iagree: They should be outside getting stinky! Then take quick showers and go out this evening.

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:iagree: They should be outside getting stinky! Then take quick showers and go out this evening.



This is what I would do too. Or, like just yesterday - we were all outside playing and we had to leave to go to homegroup at a friend's house. I knew that the kids would just be getting dirty again at the friend's house, so I just put clean clothes on them, shined them up, and then gave them showers when we got home late at night.

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