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Do you fixate on homeschooling?


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I'm asking because we've had a very hard year this year, we had a deployment, a reintegration, surgery and death. Usually, I already have things nailed down as far as what we're going to be doing for the next school term. This year not so much, especially for my younger child, I have a pretty good plan for the older one. I'm wondering if i'm just fixating on trying to have the perfect year, plan etc... because everything else in my life is so beyond my control right now. I know you guys are not dr.'s, but i'm just wondering if anyone else has had a stressful life situation and have used school to take your mind off of it? Thanks

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:grouphug: certainly.


Anytime my life has felt out of control, it is nice to grab onto something that I feel like I do have some say/ control over. If homeschooling is currently that calm oasis for you, don't sweat it. (OTOH- don't ruin the oasis by trying to built your whole life there, but it is certainly a better choice than an eating disorder.;))



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Yes, I do, on different levels.


When we are actually doing our day-to-day work, homeschooling feels like a job to me (sort of). We do have snuggly, mothery-daughtery moments, but most of the time, I put my Teacher Hat on, and it stays on. :toetap05:


Once that is done, the girls run off to play, and I fix myself a nice, hot cup of tea... and then I plan, research, study, read and organize, all related to homeschooling. For some reason, I find this relaxing and energizing simultaneously. :lol:


My husband says that teaching is my job, but planning is my hobby. And of course he is right. :D


:grouphug: to you in the middle of your upheaval. To feel stressed in a stressful situation is perfectly normal.

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You know, I hadn't thought about it that way. I might be doing the same. I am really looking forward to starting up again in the fall and have been working on placement and scheduling this week. We've been in upheaval since October. Homeschooling is what I can control. :grouphug:

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