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Did you incorporate a foreign language into your child's program?


Did you incorporate Greek or Latin?


Have you been successful with your foreign language quest?

And I can tell you that for me, I have to WRITE everything in order to remember it. Or read it quite a few times. My dd takes Latin, Greek, & French, but she is a visual/auditory (and probably kinesthetic, too) learner--basically, she learns easily any ol' way. My son takes Latin & he's a kinesthetic/visual learner, so for him writing and chanting (over and over) help him cement things.


Both kids are 10--my dd started Latin at 8, and my son is just now starting at 10. He's ESL so I wanted to give him a chance to learn English first! :)

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My little one is. She does very well with a computer based Spanish program. I put the vocab. words on index cards and she draws a picture on them. Then I hold the cards above her so she has to look up. The idea behind this is because they tend to think in pictures, this helps them to store it in their right brain which is actually better. If you ask your child a question and they are trying to figure it out, they normally look up while trying to figure out the answer and that's their way of trying to access their right brain memory which is their long term memory bank. We do other exercises to help her memorize.


She actually memorizes better than my 2 older ones:glare:


We do the same with Latin.

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He was a late bloomer learning to read, and continues to struggle with writing and spelling (though, each year, at age 12, 13 and again this year at 14 I see break-throughs and more confidence!).


So, no, we've struggled so much just getting through the *English* language, I can't imagine adding another language into the mix! (lol) We have used English From the Roots Up for Greek and Latin root exposure.


He will need a foreign language for high school requirement -- at this point I plan to either see if sign language will cover that requirement (and if I can get him to really stick with that and do well, I've heard of students earning their way through college as interpreters!!). If not, then I plan to send him to the local community college for Spanish. Maybe it's a "cop out" on my part, but I just CANNOT see me teaching him a foreign language -- and certainly can't visualize him motivated to learn it on his own through Rosetta Stone or some other self taught program!


Wish it could have been different, or I'd been stronger in pushing this area, but... you have to pick your battles, and I guess I just didn't have this one in me. : ) BEST of luck! Lori D.

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My oldest is a VSL.


Did you incorporate a foreign language into your child's program?


Yes, we have played with Spanish since she was about 3 and just starting to speak English. I used Dora books and the TV show and picture books from the Spanish section of our library.


Did you incorporate Greek or Latin?


Yes, in 1st grade we spent a lot of time learning the Greek alphabet as we were studying Greek and Roman times. She loved it. I used Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek 1.


Currently, we are studying Latin using Minimus. I thought we would use it as a nice introduction but she is actually retaining a lot.


Have you been successful with your foreign language quest?


I think that we have been successful so far. For my dd, I found that curriculum needs to be visually apealing, logical, show the big picture, have bite sized lessons and be fun. Products from places like Singapore Math, Cambridge, Galore Park all seem to appeal to my dd and the way she learns.


They have great graphics, they teach from whole (or at least large parts) to parts, I can easily break down the lessons into daily doses and they have activities that make learning fun.



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