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How do you keep up with

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all the different curriculums your researching?


Background: Our two oldest daughters both did A Beka DVD all through high school. Our ds is half done with 8th grade A Beka DVD and wants something different. I'm researching, writing and making notes, but how you I organize it all? I'm really doing massive research on curriculums/catalogs and would love to hear how to keep all this stuff organized. I haven't had to do this before and I'm trying to formulate a plan for 9th-12th grade.


Basically HELP.....;)


Thanks bunches!!!


PS> He wants to be a dentist...any information on this would be most appreciated! :)

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Since no one has answered you yet, I'll venture out with a little tip:


When I was selecting a Latin curriculum, I made a chart (pencil & graph paper), which included distinguishing factors about each curriculum. Ie: ecclesiastical vs classical, cost, and other considerations, along the left column and the various curricula across the top. As I researched, I checked the areas.


If I were doing an overhaul, like you are, I think I would use this method for each subject. Then just create file folders per subject.


Sorry if you were looking for a computer-generated approach!

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I have a spreadsheet. Basically: subject, grade, brief description, standout features/standout cons, vendor(s), prices.


It's a running list so when I run across something I think may fit with future goals, it gets added.


(I make no decision without a spreadsheet or flow chart, though.)

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