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Differences between old and revised Biblioplans?

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I'm wondering what the key differences are between the old Biblioplan guides (copyright 2001) and the new revised ones, especially if anyone has compared the two Year 2 versions. I found a really great price for an old one, but I'm wondering what I might be missing out on in the new revised version. I looked on Biblioplan's web site, but I can't find any mention of what the exact revisions were. Can anyone help?


Thanks in advance!

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I will be using Ancients for the coming year, and I have the newest version and a 2008 version that says 2000,2008. What grades are your children in? The newest version includes the high school plans. The order in which you study things is different between the two versions.


Here are some other differences I noticed. I can't tell you about Year 2, but here is info on Year 1.


New: 34 Weeks Old: 36 Weeks

New: Doesn't schedule Kingfisher Old: Does schedule it

New: Ancient East spread throughout Old: It is one unit


Many of the books are the same, but there are a few differences here and there.


I will be following the new because I have a high schooler, but am thankful to have the old because I own Kingfisher and can match it up fairly easily. I have contacted the company through email a few times and that always are helpful. Maybe you should contact them?

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Here are some of the revisions I know have been made to Biblioplan in general:




  • Kingfisher Encyclopedia has been dropped, because it is no longer in print.
  • Questions have been changed to draw from their Companion instead of other resources.
  • The high school supplement has been folded into the main program.



Biblioplan is very generous if you are willing to buy direct from them. They'll give you any old version of your purchase that you request, apparently, and updates are free, as well. Of course, the freebies are in e-book format only, but that's still a very generous offer!

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Thanks for the replies. It sounds like the old version might be better for timeline & questions if I'm not planning to buy the Companion, right, since those parts would now be in a separate supplement with the new version? One nice revision it sounds like I'd like is following SOTW more chronologically (spreading out the Eastern history throughout the year rather than gathering it into one unit in Year 1). Although I understood BP's wanting to try to maintain continuity with cultures, for us the whole Ancient East all bundled into one unit at the end just made it hard to connect to anything else we'd learned. I don't know if that would be an issue, though, with Vol. 2.


We're not using MOH, so that probably wouldn't be a reason to spring for the revised version. So I guess we're maybe okay sticking with the old version? Unless there's something else in the new version I've missed?


Thanks so much for the helpful replies, everyone!

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