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Need a Good Bible Curriculum for K & 1st


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I'm looking for something to read at breakfast that has an activity to follow it or a workbook that goes with the study. I want something that tells me what to say with little prep. I've found Positive Action for Christ and Grapevine Studies so far. This will be for my 5 and 6 yr old boys. If you have anything to say, good or bad, about those two curricula or any other I'd love to hear it! Thanks :)

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Thank you, those look good:) As I was looking over a bunch last night I was thinking that I don't really want something where I'm having to gather supplies to make crafts. I want something light, engaging and fun but thought provoking for K/1st. I know I don't want to just read something, we already do that at other times. I wish I could actually hold the products in my hands and look at them. Like the Grapevine curricula - I read a great review on it but it's hard to tell. I missed the homeschool conventions this year:( - I can tell that will be helpful next year.

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We love Grapevine here! You will need to do a bit a prep work for each lesson. It takes me about 30 min every weekend to read over the lesson, choose the passages I want to use and practice drawing the figures :). We look up the passages together and then I use a whiteboard to draw everything on. We have done Biblical Feasts and are working through NT Survey I've been very pleased with both curricula and we'll be continuing with it next year. Hope that helps!

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