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I am so proud of my daughter!!! Check it out...

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The librarian told her about this national contest where you make a video book review of your favorite book. She wrote, directed and acted the whole thing. The finalists were chosen by the sponsoring librarians but now it is an OPEN PUBLIC vote on the internet to choose the winner!! She is hoping to win so she can give the $1000 in books to her small local branch library. If you care to watch (and vote for her!) her video is called "Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson".



You can vote once a day! I hope its OK to post this here.


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Hey thanks everyone!!

Yeah, Captain Underpants is in the lead. More votes are needed! Brindee, maybe you could forward the site and story to your who might want to check it out. And don't forget you can vote once a day!

Thank you all for your help. She worked hard on it!!


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Hey thanks everyone!!

Yeah, Captain Underpants is in the lead. More votes are needed! Brindee, maybe you could forward the site and story to your who might want to check it out. And don't forget you can vote once a day!

Thank you all for your help. She worked hard on it!!


Stacey, I just DID forward this to another homeschool site I go to. Hopefully they will respond well with votes for your dd! :)


With all of us here and them there, and any others that let anyone else know, hopefully your dd can gain on and pass Captain Underpants!

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