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Fun with my laminator!

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I'm so proud of myself! I came up with, and then DID, something crafty, all by myself! :lol: That is huge for me!


I couldn't find a kid's chore chart that wasn't either made for weekly chores, or had the chores already printed on the chart, so I MADE one. I also made a small calender that my kids can add the days and months to during our Circle Time. Being "Calender Helper" was both of their favorite preschool "jobs", and I wanted a nice, small calender that they could continue that tradition on. So I made one. I'm a bit embarassed about how giddy and proud I am of them (and how deeply in love I am with my laminator :tongue_smilie:)


Hopefully this pic shows up (and yes I realize the June is dated wrong. I just stuck the numbers on as I applied the velcro so they wouldn't get lost. They've since been moved to their proper places. ;) )




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Yeah, I have a laminator and haven't used it yet. My sister gave it to me. I'm so used to using packing tape to laminate stuff that I haven't used it.

Where is the best place to find the best price for laminating sheets? I laminate a lot of flash cards and would love to try it out. But don't feel like paying a million dollars for a few sheets.

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Yeah, I have a laminator and haven't used it yet. My sister gave it to me. I'm so used to using packing tape to laminate stuff that I haven't used it.

Where is the best place to find the best price for laminating sheets? I laminate a lot of flash cards and would love to try it out. But don't feel like paying a million dollars for a few sheets.


A 50 pack of the 3M ones is $10.65 at Amazon. That seems sort of high to me. I'd look at Sam's or Costco if you have a membership.

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