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new to homeschooling


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Hi! I am new to this (homeschooling AND posting :001_smile:) and need some advise. I have a Ds9 and Ds5 and going through the daunting and overwhelming experience of choosing material. I bought Horizon math for each of them, and The Story of Our World for History. Also, I chose Explode the Code for the youngest. We just went to a book club today for the 9yo, and he started reading EB White's The Trumpet of the Swan.

Any ideas for Bible study that I could do with them together? Also, what about RS grammer? Any thoughts on other good curriculum for someone just starting out?



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Have you checked your state's homeschooling laws?


Have you read The Well-Trained Mind?


I'm also a big fan of Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Curriculum Picks. That book helped out a lot when we first started homeschooling.


Also, sometimes it's good to list each subject per kid and write out what material you want to use for each subject or what goals you want to achieve in that subject (does that make any sense?). At the beginning of the school year, I make a grid of each subject and kid. I fill in each box with what curriculum will cover that subject. Some people use programs that cover multiple subjects...like we use a lot of My Father's World. It cover history, geography, reading, science and art. There are other box programs like that: Oak Meadow, Moving Beyond the Page, CLE, ACE, TOG, I guess the list could go on and on...


So, the 5 yro could pretty much work with you on anything. But, the 4th grader...if you look in The Well-Trained Mind, there's a section on what material should be covered in 4th grade. She even has curriculum recommendations.


Edited to say: Do you have a homeschool bookstore? Sometimes it's great to be able to just SEE things in person. Also, have you heard of www.rainbowresource.com ? You could browse on that website for days and days.

Edited by starrbuck12
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If you aren't starting school until fall, I would take a couple of weeks to really decide which philosophy of homeschooling you would like to follow (although almost no one just follows one philosophy by the book). I would look at Classical, Charlotte Mason, unit studies, etc. I think PP is right on that you should read Well Trained Mind. It is an excellent overview to homeschooling and gives you specifics for each grade. I also agree that you should list all the subjects that you want to do and then find what you want to use for each subjects. Most of the HS conventions are done for the year, but I would see if there are any more in your area so that you could actually see the curricula. There are also lots of great MP3's to download about HSing that could get you started. I would also find out about any homeschooling groups that might be in your area.


I hope you have great success. You are making such a brave and wonderful decision. Good luck!

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