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IEW Poetry ~ Like it?

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We love it! My boys were just folding the laundry and I could overhear them reciting some of the poems. We are on summer break and haven't practiced them for about a month now and yet they both were spouting them out and even acting them out as they worked on their chores. I was glad to hear it because I was wondering if they would remember the ones we learned last spring since we haven't been practicing them lately.


We started last spring and they have memorized a dozen poems each. We listen to the audios and then each of us take a turn reading the poem outloud from the book. We stay with one poem until it is memorized and then move on. I didn't really stick to the schedule. Everytime we moved on to a new poem we would also go back and recite some of the ones they had already learned. I sometimes just let them pick which one they wanted to review for that day. I intend to start following the schedule once they have learned more and I need a more formal system for review, but so far this has worked well for us.


They really like the selections. I wasn't sure about buying the CDs at first because I kind of cringed at Mr. Pudewa's voice when I first heard it but now I like to hear him reading the poems and the kids really enjoy having the audio. He is very expressive and my children mimic that when they recite.


They were 3rd and 6th grader last year. I think it's a great resource for any age. I would not hesitate to start it with a 5 year old, or younger.

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I think if you go slow even four-year-olds can get in on it. Mine certainly did! The first poems are so funny and easy for children. They now even memorize OTHER poems spontaneously that they come to know and love in our poetry reading segments of the day.

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I think if you go slow even four-year-olds can get in on it. Mine certainly did! The first poems are so funny and easy for children. They now even memorize OTHER poems spontaneously that they come to know and love in our poetry reading segments of the day.


:iagree: Even down to 3 or younger ... my little one knew the first couple poems while she was 2 from the repetition of hearing her brother and sister. She has been slowly progressing through since I found out [grin]. (She just turned 4 this month.)

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