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husband may lose his job tomorrow...prayers please

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Woohoo! And the rest is a very smart thing to do!


He is still employed!!! His department was moved to another area, under another department. It really makes no sense, and there is still a lot of fear in the air. My husband is the highest paid person in his department which makes him really nervous about being laid off as these changes take place. He is actually underpaid for all he does, but the new VP doesn't know what he does, and doesn't care to learn. So he is putting together a resume, getting references together, etc, in case he needs to leave or is forced to leave.


thank you for the prayers.

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I'm glad he got a reprieve. I really understand. My DH's employer has been going through "centralizing" for a few months and his job literally is day by day at this point. He has sent out so many resumes and has not received one call back. He is 52. He knows that plays a large role in why he isn't receiving any call backs. He has a JD and a MBA too, but that doesn't mean anything if you are over 50. So we are trying to hold on until I finish my doctorate and I can become the primary bread winner (my field is still doing very well, thankfully).


I hope your husband finds something and gets out before his new VP turns the whole place toxic. It is so stressful to -never- know if you will have a job tomorrow. The stress on us has just been overwhelming. I have lost 5 pounds this week alone and neither of us sleeps. So I totally understand what you guys are facing. Hang in there, and I'll be praying for you.



He is still employed!!! His department was moved to another area, under another department. It really makes no sense, and there is still a lot of fear in the air. My husband is the highest paid person in his department which makes him really nervous about being laid off as these changes take place. He is actually underpaid for all he does, but the new VP doesn't know what he does, and doesn't care to learn. So he is putting together a resume, getting references together, etc, in case he needs to leave or is forced to leave.


thank you for the prayers.

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I'm glad he is still employed. Congrats on that!


He is very wise to be ready to job hunt. Even if he doesn't get laid off, he may not like the environment the new VP will create. It's always a good thing to have your resume updated and ready to go.


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