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Escaped Parakeet on My Porch

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My son was doing math and called me to see "this strange bird" sitting on his windowsill. It was a blue parakeet, an escapee I assume. We live out in the country with lots of predators, so I'd like to catch it. We put out a bird cage with water and food the lady at the pet store said parakeets like. We saw him three times this afternoon but now that we've got the cage out there he is no where to be seen. Any advice?

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We have caught 2 in the 'wild' of our yard. With leg bands so we know are escape-es. One was easy, it was in a corner in my barn eating seed with my horse out of his hay. Tossed a towel over it. I forget how my husband caught the other one.


Mirror may help... he is probably enjoying freedom from the cage. lol. but will get hungry.


Good luck :)

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back when I was a teen and had an outdoor aviary, I had success several times catching escaped birds with the old shoe box propped up with a stick tied to string, really! I don't know why it worked, but it did. The escaped birds were attracted to my birds and would come to my yard. It takes some patience.


the open cage with a mirror and food inside might do the trick. good luck.:001_smile:

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