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Muzzy for French?


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It's just o.k. We have the Spanish version. If I had known the story line beforehand I don't think I would have bought it. (Strange character in service to the king wants to marry the princess who is in love with the gardener) I would much have preferred not to have a love triangle in a kids Spanish video. Also I find some of the music irritating, not that well done. And don't expect it to be able to teach that much French to your kids. My kids do like it & we watch it occasionally after our other Spanish lessons & slowly pick out more words & phrases than we used to. (Got to get something out of it after the money I spent on it!)


We use Pimsuler for our Spanish now. There are a lot of videos you might find at the library. For Spanish we have enjoyed Hola Amigos videos. Surely there is something similar in French.




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My dh just said to say that it's like "Dr. Who" for kids. Typical British style attempt at humor. I enjoy lots of BBC stuff, but not Muzzy so much. Also the cd-rom games include one that is a slot machine which doesn't thrill me as I disagree with gambling. Jacqui

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I use Muzzy with my 6 year old and the pace is just right for her. It's very slow--too slow to use with my 9 year olds. I agree that it's nearly worthless unless you buy the lesson plans (and the worksheets are helpful, too). I use the lesson plans and feel like it's a decent program for young kids. Maybe not the best, but it's the one I have.


I don't like the sound quality, and the video is sometimes bizarre. The love triangle is weird, but my daughter doesn't mind the soap opera-esque feel of it.


I've used Pimsleur too and I think there is really no comparison between the two products. Pimsleur is far superior at teaching you to speak a language--BUT it is not at all for the same age range as Muzzy. I think Pimsleur would have to be for teen or maybe pre-teen at a minimum.


I will continue to use Muzzy through level two with this child and my youngest when he is of the right age, but I am not sure I wholeheartedly recommend it. "Pretty much OK" is about the strongest I could go with.

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If I had known the story line beforehand I don't think I would have bought it. (Strange character in service to the king wants to marry the princess who is in love with the gardener) I would much have preferred not to have a love triangle in a kids Spanish video. Also I find some of the music irritating, not that well done.

:iagree: It definitely has an odd story line to accompany to high price tag! We tried it and decided against it.

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We used Muzzy Spanish and didn't learn a thing. My kids thought the movie was entertaining and would watch it, but the speaking is so low and muted it's hard to understand. If I was fluent in spanish, I think I could pick up on what they're saying, but for someone who doesn't know spanish at all, it's hard to even hear what they're saying, let alone understand it.

It was a big waste of money. It costs a lot, and doesn't give back very much.




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We bought Muzzy in Italian for our kids and we have been very happy with it. Perhaps it is simply a difference in outlook but we found the story amusing, the songs enjoyable, and the Vocabulary Builder cd the best value of the set.


We have since purchased Level 2.


I think Muzzy is an outstandingly good series for what it is: immersive language exposure through silly situations.


It's not going to teach your kids a language if there is no other reinforcement.


It is not a substitute for a formal grammar-based language curriculum.


It is perfectly appropriate, IMHO, for very young children to grow up with.


Early Advantage does offer resources, should the parent wish to use them, to convert Muzzy into a formal elementary level language curriculum. That's not a route we're taking, but it is available.


I really don't understand the Muzzy-hate that I've found around here.

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... for the feedback. I did find Muzzy II French at the library and checked it out. Ummm..... well, like I said, we checked it out, and tomorrow we will take it back, LOL. Thanks for the feedback, and the advice to look at the library. It really IS weird, IMO.

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