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Homeschool Graduations in the NYT

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I have mixed feelings about ceremonies like that. We have our own reasons for homeschooling through high school and we don't belong to any outside group that will have a ceremony. That article says the students didn't know each other before the ceremony. I doubt my DD would want to participate in a ceremony when she knows no one else.


I'd much rather have my DD's input on how she's like to cap off the end of her homeschooling years. If I know her (I think I do ;)) it wouldn't include putting on a gown, marching in a line and listening to people she doesn't know talk about her future.



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Sounds a bit impersonal to me. I'm just very thankful for my wonderful "umbrella school" or PSP here in So Cal. My dd just graduated Fri night, and they have a very nice graduation/promotion every year. There are loads of activities/sports/co-op classes, so all the kids have known each other for a long time. There is a priority when the kids get to Jr. High of encouraging them to do things with their class, making friends etc. It was a beautiful ceremony. There were 9 in her graduating class. It varies each year. Last year there were a whopping 23!!! That was a big class though. I don't know if I'd bother with the ceremony if were just for walking the aisle, wearing the cap and gown.

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I'm the mom of two grads, and I have one to go. :001_smile:


I think the first thing we should do is to honor the students in whatever way is meaningful to them. If we parents need a ceremony for ourselves and our accomplishment, maybe it will dovetail with theirs, maybe not.


My eldest did not want to graduate with the ceremony at our co-op, for good reasons, foremeost that he had never connected personally with the other kids (the engineering bent is not always people-compatible. Sigh!) All he wanted was a friends party, so that's what he got--14 guys, 2 gals, and an outdoor laser tag venue = the perfect fun thing for him! I went out to dinner with my best homeschooling mom friends and we celebrated, b/c frankly I earned that celebration! :lol:


Dd had a much more traditional graduation with the co-op group, and she knew enough of the kids to really enjoy the occasion. We had a ball doing all the traditional invites, display table, pictures, etc.


Ds#2 ???


I can't imagine taking my kids to a ceremony with a bunch of other kids that no one knows, but that's just me.


The boy at the end of that article (J.B.) is the only son of longtime friends of my parents--we used to know his parents way back before he was born. Kinda cool to see they made the NYT. I'll have to let them know.

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