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A question on WWE 2


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My 7 year-old has been doing very well with WWE 1 and now 2 but yesterday, when we got to wk 29 day one narration with an except from The Story of Mankind, she flipped out because she couldn't understand what I was reading at all. I had to paraphrase each paragragh. She later was able to answer all questions and did a good narration on her own. Has that happened to anyone? Opinions are much appreciated.

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I've had that happen with a few WWE1 passages. For example, the one on Rumpelstiltskin was just over DS's head, language-wise. One thing that sometimes helps is to have him read the passage himself, so you might try that. He tends to understand things like that better if he's reading them rather than listening to them. But really, it's usually just a language issue, and I wouldn't be too worried about it. :) I try to do some read-alouds that use similar language, and that helps, just being exposed to it more often.


(note, I don't have WWE2, so can't comment on that specific passage... I just know how WWE is in general, varying from easy to difficult language in the different passages).

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We just hit a hard passage in 3. I look it over, and if kiddo is having trouble, I stretch it out over 2 or 3 days. This one was about the Dec of Independence. We stepped back, reviewed its history a bit, went through and discussed the pronunciation, meaning and spelling rules of each new word in the passage. I read it to kiddo a couple of times, and then he read it to me. We had to chant to get the life, liberty and pursuit business memorized. I helped him with the narration. The next one wasn't so tough.


He's a bit of a perfectionist, and so when we hit a hard one, I just tell him the author throws them in now and then to "stretch the mind" and to give us a "view" of where we are heading. Who knows ... that might even be true!;)

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