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Spin off: How old is or would your mother be?

How old is or would your mother be?  

  1. 1. How old is or would your mother be?

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So, how would you describe the relationship between you and your siblings? Are you able to spend time together and do you feel close?


Not Amy - but I can speak a bit to that. My siblings are 12, 11, 9 and 6 years older than me. It was compounded by the fact that they were at boarding school for my entire elementary school years (I was raised at home almost as an only child!). Then when I was 7 the oldest two left for the U.S. - a good 3000 miles away from home. The answer is (drumroll please): we had to re-establish friendships as adults. Oldest sister is one of my best buds now - we talk on the phone a lot - she's coming out to visit me in a couple of weeks. Oldest brother and I get along great but he is pretty bad about staying in touch. But when we see each other we sort of pick up where we left off. Middle sister has never let go of her feeling of sibling rivalry from 40 years ago. Pretty sad. The whole family walks on egg-shells around her. The brother who is closest in age to me is my book sharing buddy. We don't have a lot in common otherwise - faith, lifestyle, politics etc. so we talk a lot about mysteries we've read etc.!

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My mom is 46 (or maybe 45, I can't remember), and her mom is 65. We all started pretty young ... I don't think there are too many people my age that homeschool!?!?!? Especially since most people in my generation are waiting until their 30's to start having kids. I just turned 27.


I saw a few in the hive that are around my age, but not too many :)

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That's a long time being fertile, isn't it? :D I imagine your parents were amazing people, Amy.


So, how would you describe the relationship between you and your siblings? Are you able to spend time together and do you feel close? I never really knew my oldest brother because...well, let's face it, he was 16 when I was 6! That's a pretty significant gap. But, some of the distance was due to my brother's personality. I think that being an "only" for eight years, specifically with my parents' style of parenting... Suffice it to say, he was never the most family oriented of the three of us. Now that he's older (56), he's really changing. We're closer now than we've ever been, although we still only communicate once in a while.


Sorry Doran, I just now saw this!


We are actually surprisingly close. Now, my oldest brother was already off in Viet Nam when I was born, so our relationship didn't really develop until later, and I suppose because of the age difference and the fact that he has kids my age (two are older actually) we have more of a favorite uncle/niece kind of relationship.


We get together fairly often, both as a large group, and also just two or three of us when we can. I talk on the phone with some more than others, but we all keep in regular contact.


I definitley have a closer relationship with a couple of them, than with others, but I don't think the age thing impacts us too much, particularly now that I'm older.


I think it speaks to the importance my parents put on family that we are still close now. I was worried about how things would go between us after my parents died, but we are just as close as we were when they we around.

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