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Am I over thinking these eval forms??

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I am filling out a lot of forms for dd 10 to have another neuropsychological evaluation in a couple of weeks. Does anyone else struggle with how to answer these questions or am I just over-thinking it ? I guess I am concerned about how much my answers as a parent factor into a diagnosis as I know this has happened in the past. This time they will also be looking to see if she may be somewhere on the autism spectrum so I want to be sure how I answer. Some things just seem too vague and some things I just do not remember, especially things from infancy. "Did she reach out to be picked up as an infant?" I have no idea! She is the youngest of 5 and I was pretty busy at the time! And sometimes dh and I don't agree on answers.:confused:

Just wondering if anyone can offer advice so I can get through all of these forms! TIA

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:grouphug: It was VERY stressful, IMO, to fill out the forms.

Dh and I did not agree on many points! The 1st question on our eval. was "Does your child loose things?" I think I asked 4 people what they thought of that question and got 4 different answers. My son misplaces things on a daily basis but he has never lost anything. So I marked "no" but after I turned in the forms I asked the gal and she gave me the most bizarre look and said it means to misplace things. UGH! And that was one of the easy questions, I didn't ask her about the 5,000 other questions! :tongue_smilie:


Just do your best! :grouphug:

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I think I left a few questions blank or made notes out to the side for a few of the questions. My dh and I each had our own set of forms to complete, so it didn't matter whether we agreed. The psych we used wanted both of our perspectives. I think the narrative really helps the psych interpret the questionnaire results, too. Our forms only had a page or maybe 1/2 page to write the narrative, which kind of made me laugh. I wrote "see attached," then wrote 8 typed pages about 1 dd and 5 or 6 pages about the other dd.

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