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Any Easy Classical Science users??

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Sigh...I'm still trying to figure out my plans for science next year. You would think that having a Masters Degree in Forensic Science would make it easy but I just can't seem to get it together! I've recently checked out Easy Classical.com's science program and it is intriguing.


I will have a 2nd grader and a kindergartner this coming school year so I had a few questions. First, were you happy with the program overall? Secondly, is it necessary to purchase all the books listed for each "unit?" Lastly, what "unit" did you begin with? I was thinking of starting with the human body, animals and plants.


I've considered Real Science 4 Kids pre-level programs but they're only 10 week units. I like the fact that E.C. Science is a full 36 week program.


Sorry if this is a repeat thread...I tried to do a search but I received hits for any thread that had "Classical" or "Science". I guess I need to figure out how to refine my searches more.

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Yes! We got the 1st grade schedule last year and enjoyed it immensely. I enjoyed having the schedule and the kids enjoyed the books/experiments. We got science done b/c of Easy Classical. We enjoyed it so much we have ordered the 2nd grade Earth Science for next year.


As for books, you need the ones they recommend for the ages you are teaching. I did not get the nature journal but I think it was under optional books anyway. The Evan Moore books are reasonable and We already had most of the Usborne ones. For 2nd grade I needed to buy more book/experiment kids b/c it's something we will do more beyond the schedule.


We are done with our 1st grade one, so PM if you want to buy it :-)


I appreciate the schedule and it gets it done here. I think they have chosen great books for the level of the students. I used it with my 5.5 and 4 y/o's and the activities were perfect. Lots of coloring/labeling type stuff from the Evan Moore books. It's easy to add on difficulty for an older student and honestly, we often read more when they wanted it from the older child selections. So thumbs up here!

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I ordered and received the easyclassical lesson plans just recently. I am sort of disappointed since really all it does is give you a list of books and then organize it into segments for each week, but we are going to give it a try along with using the R.E.A.L. Science Earth. We will also not use some of the books suggested by easyclassical, since after looking at them, they will not fit in with my daughter's style of learning. But we already own many of the titles and I was intending to use Apologia's Astronomy as a good base. Apologia has its own set of problems for me too, since I will have to pick and choose which parts to read based on beliefs about creation.


I don't think there is any PERFECT science curriculum out there, but I really like the looks of R.E.A.L. and think that it would actually be enough to base a study using lots of living books from the library. It is really nicely laid out and I think my non-science loving daughter unless it is presented in a fascinating light will love the projects.


Hope my rambling helps.

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