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Good stuff for new moms ~ or, An old mom finds new toys!

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Okay, so I just gave birth to our seventh baby so you'd think that by now I'd have found all the good stuff out--but no. This time I've been given two wonderful things...things sooo very wonderful that I've got to share! [Note: I do not sell this stuff, get no kickbacks, and have no interest in any company. I'm only sharing because I think the stuff is great and I would want somebody to do the same for me!]


First, nursing blankies. They are never big enough, and are always too hot for me; even nursing in the winter I tend to get hot and sweaty when nursing in a public place. But this time I was given a set of "Swaddle Wraps" from Aiden + Anais. I could care less about swaddling, but these blankets are perfection for nursing--they are like a gauzy, muslin cloud...so light and soft...and also huge!! Yea!!! And if you care about stylishness, they have some very cool patterns. But I really don't care about that part myself. :001_smile: My blankies came from Target, but I guess you can buy them direct and have more color choices. So these will be my new go-to gift for people!!! I think they are kind of pricey, but considering the mileage I plan to give 'em, very well worth it!


Blankets: http://www.adenandanais.com/shop/swaddles.aspx


Second thing: a neck wrap. A friend of mine sells stuff from a company called Aihu (never heard of them) and she loaned me her own neck wrap to use. It's long and thick and in a soft terry cover. The wrap itself is stuffed with flaxseed and scented with lavender. You heat it in the microwave for 2 minutes and then put it around your neck, or wherever (draped across the chest is great too).


I decided I would try it since my friend thought to share with me, but I didn't really have any expectations of this being a "special" experience. WOW. I've been struggling to nurse without pain, spending a lot of time crying while feeding baby. So I put this thing on, latched baby, and immediately leaned my head back, pressing into the hot wrap. I don't know if it's like a distraction thing, or what, but somehow it was *very* soothing and relaxing. The heat that comes up around your face is moist (from the seeds?) and infused with lavender, and the heat on the neck...oooh. It's really quite amazing. So now I'm totally addicted to this thing and must have it every time I sit down to nurse. Also, I usually find myself nursing in a weird position, all hunched up, leaned over to the side with my neck crooked in a funny way--lots of shoulder tension. So this thing also helps counteract some of that muscle strain.


Wrap: https://www.aihu.net/MemberToolsDotNet/(S(zzgbikpxmzsvhzvnnfi2msqr))/ShoppingCartNew/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=17936&CatalogueID=205&PartyID=-1&PartyGuestID=0&InternalUse=1&ProductGroupString=66.69


I'm sure you can find neck wraps lots of places. But the aroma part of this one and the thick soft cover make it really nice, and the small seed size make it fit on the neck well, so maybe those are things to look for in a neck wrap. Like the blankets, this is also pricey. I don't know if I'd buy one for myself, but it is heavenly. :001_wub: Maybe you can make your own using these features!


Hope someone else might enjoy these things too!!!

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My sil is newly pregnant and we were just talking about how many really great baby items have come out since we first started having babies (20+ years ago). You know, when I had our first baby, shoes with buckles were the norm. No velcro straps. BUCKLES. :eek:


I love the items you linked! I have seen the aden + anais swaddling blankets before and loved the looks of them. It's good to hear they work so well, too! I think I'll get her a set for sure.

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Ummm...I hesitate to suggest this since you have had so many babies that you have probably heard of this and have decided against it...but a nipple guard while nursing was wonderful for me. I, too, had horrible pain nursing, (I couldn't nurse without crying, either) and it was the only way I was able to continue, which was important to me. I got it from the lactation consultant at the hospital. Ds had no problem after the first time or two trying it.

Edited by theYoungerMrsWarde
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I have two Aden and Anais blankets (and one napping wee one) on my lap at this very minute. Best. Blankets. Ever.


The ones you can get a Target are actually a little smaller than the ones off their website or Amazon, but they're still nice and big! I'll splurge on another set of four when we have another baby because ours have been very well loved.

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Ummm...I hesitate to suggest this since you have had so many babies that you have probably heard of this and have decided against it...but a nipple guard while nursing was wonderful for me.


I take all advice! You'd think (or at least *I* think) that by now I'd have the hang of it all, but each one has been a struggle in the beginning. I've managed to hang in there and do extended BF, but that first month is always iffy. :confused: I have tried breast shields, which I think is what you're talking about. I think I just have some physiological issues that gradually clear as baby grows, because believe me I've talked to every lactation nurse, doctor, LLL counselor...basically anyone would would listen...and nothing but time ever seems to help. But thank you for your kind suggestion!!

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