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I think my cycle is broken (female content)

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I am one who has always had regular cycles. But lately I have noticed some minor changes. Last cycle it was totally different (even took a PG test thinking maybe it was one of those weird cycles during pregnancy things) and now 2 weeks later I am having another cycle. Nothing in my diet has changed, no medications or sickness, no new exercise routine. No cramping or discomfort either. Any ideas? Or is it just old age, I did gain a year in the last month.:glare:

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There are a few times that I've had this happen. I went on birth control pills for a few months until it straightened itself out. *However* I think in *my* case it has been related to a vitamin D deficiency.

I have been taking vitamn D for a few months now so that shouldn't be the case for me, but maybe another type of deficiency.

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I've got no ideas, but wanted to suggest you track your cycle. I use mymonthlycycle.com . I used to always be 30 days, but I'm no longer like clockwork and they are closer together. Anyway, if it's something you decide to go visit your doctor about, you can print out a calendar showing all your cycles.

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I started with a more often than not 14 day cycle (all normal characteristics of my cycle intact - ie not spotting) after my boys were born. No indications that this was a perimenopausal thing - 34 when it started and I just turned 40 with bloodwork that indicates nothing other than I am an ovulating woman at some point in my cycle.


With a whole host of other stuff that was chalked up to "normal under the circumstances" (postpartum, nurslings, twin sleep deprivation) that continued and worsened until recently, I have now discovered that it's probably been a thyroid issue all along. :-(


Now on thyroid supplementation, it seems to be back on schedule. And I am also not a shedding, shivering zombie.

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I had this happen when I was 37. I got pregnant on the second cycle. Now, I'm just back to cycles every 2 months-although this cycles is over 60 days now and had all the signals of it starting and it didn't. I'm almost 41 and I also have thyroid issues...haven't had much success with Dr.'s on that front, but at least I'm on thyroid now.


I'd just track your cycle and see what happens. If you start to get worried, you can follow up with your Dr. Check into thyroid symptoms too.

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No. Sorry. Sometimes it means the opposite for a while. ...


Yes. Unfortunately!! My cycle has been all kinds of crazy. For awhile it was a lot harder and longer. Eventually my G did a D&C. It really helped! It is why I've been sooo regular for the last 8 years. But now, nature has stepped back in. For the last year or so I've had shorter periods. Yay! :) But now, it's the skip 2 weeks, then again in 2 weeks, fun stuff....*sigh* I need chocolate ice cream too! :D

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