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My Father's World Discussion With Parent/Leader...How much time?

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Off topic, but I have read your posts about CC and am wondering if you are doing this on the side or as part of CC? I had my DS begin MFW AHL a month or so ago to get a head start on 9th grade and then I stumbled onto CC and am now considering a different route, wondering if you were able to combine the two?

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Hi Everyone!

We are doing a co-op and going through AHL for the Highschoolers. We're wondering how much time we need to schedule for the day that they go through the material. If you've done this with your own family... or with a group... Please let me know!




Oh, boy, that's really a family-by-family decision.


Since my youngest is the only one left schooling here, I spend plenty of time with him. We do the Bible together as a family daily (there's a schedule in the manual for the parent to be reading along, but we did it actually together). I've read him the Answers book over lunch. We've listened to Cat of Bubastes in the car. I added/subbed some Teaching Company lectures we listened to together. I corrected his World History questions and talked to him, rather than having him correct them on his own as mentioned in the guide.


However, most families have too many kids, like the Hazells, to spend that kind of time together with each child. So, I think that in general an hour or so is needed every week with a parent, plus some extra time in specific areas -- the first essay, the grammar lessons in the last week or so, etc. The service project might also require some parent involvement, depending.



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If you are doing just the MFW portion (not science), they allowed two hours because the kids read their writing and they had discussion as well. She moved in April, so I don't have the details, but I was impressed with what they did. I think that they had seven doing it together.

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We didn't do it the way that MFW seems to schedule it. My daughter is one of those who has to interrupt when she finds something interesting or irksome. So we had lots of discussion/conference throughout the days.

By the time Friday conference day rolled around, we didn't need 2 hour block.


In the early part of the year, I scheduled the 2 hours in smaller increments because of the rest of our lives. I'm guessing that we never really spent 2 hours on stuff either. Friday conference became more of a check on work, grade test, room check etc...


I'm no poster child for how the program is supposed to work.



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