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this may be a silly question, but


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For those who follow TWTM history rotation, what did you do with your younger children? For example, my dd8 will have a "perfect" history cycle. Her sister, dd6, won't. Having them together for history, which I want, will put her doing ancients in 7th, medieval/early renaissance in 8th, and then the issue gets sticky for me. I really want her to do ancients in 9th, like her sister.


What did you do? Just let them hit the cycle where they may? Took some time off the cycle to pursue other interest? Granted, this is a long way off for me, but I like to have ideas in the back of my mind to chew on. :D

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It really does work fine to just keep cycling through. She'll get all 4 years in high school they'll just be the last two first, but still all in order.


It really isn't bad to start rhetoric level thinking with early modern and modern level great books, these are usually a little easier to read. Those Ancient books are very difficult and actually really work out better in 11th or 12th grade.


That said, highschool students are usually independant enough it isn't a big deal to have them on thier own cycle. So they will do 1/2 and 1 cycle together and then you can have the oldest start over with ancients and do something else with the younger for two years (more american, geo, government, whatever ;)).


Either way will work, and one will make more sense when you get closer.

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Mine are the same age difference as yours. Little sis has always just tagged along in the same cycle, and will for at least the first 2 cycles. We will see when we get to high school what the ultimate plan will be.


I actually think little sis may have the best cycle. It put her in SOTW3 in 1st grade which was full of American History. Am Hist. was just perfect for a 6 yr old. She just fell in love with the Revolutionary War heroes, and other early Am. history.


And I like the idea that in high school if we stay on the same rotation that she will be in ancients in 11th and 12th as opposed to 9th. I think that might be a better fit as well.

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This isn't a silly question at ALL! lol in fact I just asked it myself a few weeks ago! I'm not sure where the thread is but I got some great feedback. I was worried because I have 4 students, 7th&8th and 2nd&3rd. So I have the same issue as you do-2 students are "on track" and 2 are not. I lost sleep over it for way too many nights! I also try to stick by my state standards which in the older grades is fairly close to

TWTM schedule but that doesn't help me for my "off track" students dilemma.


I finally came to the conclusion that the younger students will just have to be a year ahead. Makes me feel better than the older ones being a year behind! And since the cycle repeats itself I don't feel bad anymore if we just don't hit everything we are supposed to.


My 2nd and 3rd graders have never done

Ancient even though they were supposed to start there-they adore American History so much we decided to spend more time on it than most people do and I'm ok with it after the great input I got here about allowing them to enjoy history and that in time we will cover all the necessary eras.

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