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So I think I have been a failure with...

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spelling and grammar this year. I have been off and on this whole year. Not very steady with those two topics. I have a 7th & 4th grader. Have I doomed my children? We did write daily, they also kept personal journals. I didn't do a lot of correction. Both were reluctant writers in the beginning, and both are now free writing, so I didn't want to discourage them. They both listened and read many books. We learned about a couple of authors. Let me just say that I have had fair success in the other areas of study (math, science, history, etc). Language arts is not my strong point!


Any ideas on how to have a comeback next year?


Have I failed them completely?

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Last year I was in the same boat. We had used Abeka for several years but always struggled to finish. My 2 best purchases this year were AG for my 7th grader and JAG for my 5th grader. It works great for us!

My 7th grader now says grammar was his favorite subject. IEW was also something that made a HUGE difference. Yes, it is costly but has a high re-sale value.

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Honestly? I think if you've transformed your children from reluctant writers into willing writers, you have made a HUGE accomplishment!!! Really! If they are now willing and interested in writing, EVERYTHING else will be easier!


It would probably be a good idea to make grammar and spelling a priority next year, particularly for your older student. I second the AG/JAG recommendation.


Anne :-)

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