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Talk to me about schedules (x weeks on, 1 week off)

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I'm sure this has been discussed to death, but I've been away for a long time and couldn't find it on a search. I did 6 weeks on/1 week off when the big kids were young and we schooled year round.

How do you schedule this?

Anyone do it with high schoolers?

Anyone squeeze it in without going completely year round? I'm thinking 8/1 with June and August free and an intense study in July when it's usually dullsville here.


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We do six weeks on, one week off, and it works great for us. I start around August 20-something and we finish by mid-June. I take one week off at Thanksgiving, then do 3 weeks of school, then 2 weeks for Christmas break.


Next school year we'll start August 22 and take our first break the first week of October. Then we'll go six weeks until T-giving. THen the three weeks before Christmas. We'll start up again Jan 2, 2012, and the first break will be mid-Feb. Next break is early April, then one more break the week of May 21. Then I'll take the last three weeks to finish up stuff, do fun things we never got to during the year, shore up missing skills, etc. We're in that mode this week and next, and we just have to finish the math book and recite memory work.


This schedule works for us. It give us frequent breaks and also two months for summer break. I like having the summer break to let some of the schooling settle in and give kiddo time to mature for the next grade.


Hope this helps.


Edited to Add: Since you have older kids, let them play a part in the schedule. Tell them how many days/weeks of school you need to schedule for the year, and have them figure out something with you. They may enjoy having a voice in the decision.

Edited by JoMama
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Here is our schedule for 2011-12. Since DH is a teacher, we roughly follow his schedule. We take off for the summer (only do review math/reading).


Start July 25

Break for 1 week - Sept. 19

Break for 1 week - Nov. 21

Break for 2 weeks - Dec. 19

Break 1 week - Feb. 20

Break 1 week - April 2

Finish up the week of May 7


The ps calendar for the students has the above breaks, but they start back on August 3 and finish May 25.


We did approximately the same schedule this year and it worked great. Perfect amount of work/break periods.

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We do six weeks on, one week off, and it works great for us. I start around August 20-something and we finish by mid-June. I take one week off at Thanksgiving, then do 3 weeks of school, then 2 weeks for Christmas break.


Next school year we'll start August 22 and take our first break the first week of October. Then we'll go six weeks until T-giving. THen the three weeks before Christmas. We'll start up again Jan 2, 2012, and the first break will be mid-Feb. Next break is early April, then one more break the week of May 21. Then I'll take the last three weeks to finish up stuff, do fun things we never got to during the year, shore up missing skills, etc. We're in that mode this week and next, and we just have to finish the math book and recite memory work.


This schedule works for us. It give us frequent breaks and also two months for summer break. I like having the summer break to let some of the schooling settle in and give kiddo time to mature for the next grade.


Hope this helps.


Edited to Add: Since you have older kids, let them play a part in the schedule. Tell them how many days/weeks of school you need to schedule for the year, and have them figure out something with you. They may enjoy having a voice in the decision.


This is our EXACT schedule. We did it this past year and it was PHENOMINAL. Best school year to date. No burn out. Time to play. Time to plan. Time to cook ahead (during week off). Time for field trips ad visits to parents. I highly recommend it.

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