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Vasectomy Reversal?

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Three years ago I had my beautiful baby girl and I was 100% sure I was DONE. My dh had a vasectomy when she was three months old and we were happy with that decision up until, I'd say, about six months ago. I'm really having some baby fever and am wishing I hadn't made such a permanent decision. It was a decision made during the most stressful time in our lives and we probably should have waited for the dust to settle before going through with it. Has anyone here had any experience with vasectomy reversal? Also, is this just a phase that I'm going through that will pass? It could be that I am just grieving the passing of this stage of my life. On the other hand, I am only 33. Why did I make such a choice when I still have, (possibly), another ten years of fertility? As you can tell I am seriously conflicted. I would love some advice please. :confused:

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I can't help personally, but a neat blog I follow called At the Butterfly Ball talks about their reversal(she's had one baby since the reversal and is pregnant now). Also, Above Rubies is a great resource for that kind of thing. I feel your pain, we almost went through with a V and I'm grateful we didn't (I'm 34 and just had a baby 4 weeks ago)...prayers to you and your family..

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I also have four children. About 5 years ago my husband had a vasectomy. I wish we had not made that choice. I would love to have another baby. I am going to be 37 soon. I have been doing some internet research and I haven't been very encouraged by the likelihood that we could become pregnant.


Hope you get some good advice!


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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I can't help personally, but a neat blog I follow called At the Butterfly Ball talks about their reversal(she's had one baby since the reversal and is pregnant now). Also, Above Rubies is a great resource for that kind of thing. I feel your pain, we almost went through with a V and I'm grateful we didn't (I'm 34 and just had a baby 4 weeks ago)...prayers to you and your family..



Thanks for the links. Amazing that she was pg just a month after the reversal!



I also have four children. About 5 years ago my husband had a vasectomy. I wish we had not made that choice. I would love to have another baby. I am going to be 37 soon. I have been doing some internet research and I haven't been very encouraged by the likelihood that we could become pregnant.


Hope you get some good advice!


God Bless,

Elise in NC


Do you think that the desire for another baby is just a normal grieving process for that time of your life? I wonder if this is something I am going to "get over" and be happy with our choice when all is said and done.

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Dh is 10 years older than I am. He had 3 children (and custody of them) and a vasectomy when I met him. We were in California when we got married, and he had a reversal done. It was micro-surgery at UC Davis/Teaching Hospital in Sacramento and was several thousand dollars almost 20 years ago, but it worked. (Oh, and he had had the vasectomy for about 8 or 9 years when he went in to get it reversed.) We were given a 50/50 shot at ever having children. It took 8 months before I got pregnant. We now have 6 children together. :lol:



And I have 6...I still get baby lust every now and then.

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:grouphug: Society really pushes people to give up their fertility quickly and without guilt. You were unwittingly influenced, so don't beat yourself up over it. If you can scrap together the money, give the reversal a try. At least that way you won't be second guessing your decision constantly. I started having children a little later than most and happily had kids throughout my 30s and early 40s. Best wishes to you.

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I don't really know what to advise for your family, as it is such a personal decision but I have 4 VAS reversal babies.:D After #2 I was so.done. and we had ther perfect family; boy, girl, dog.;) I was 30 when dh got his reversal, only 18 months after I sent him for the VAS when our then youngest was 5, I mean who would want to start all over with babies at that point.:lol::tongue_smilie: Yeah, the joke is that I really pushed the whole, "a woman has the right to change her mind" business.:lol:

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Thanks for the personal stories. I am really struggling with this. One of the factors, (that I wish I could just get over), is how our families would react. They would not be supportive to put it mildly.



You're scaring me. LOL! I'm currently pg with our 3rd and DH is getting a V in a few weeks. We both agree that we're DONE after this. But I'm 33 too. I can't imagine having another one, but I don't want to regret it either.


I couldn't imagine wanting another either at the time! My midwife suggested we wait a year before making a final decision, and I sooo wish we had listened!

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Thanks for the personal stories. I am really struggling with this. One of the factors, (that I wish I could just get over), is how our families would react. They would not be supportive to put it mildly.



Who cares? Your families don't get a single vote in how many children are right for your family. I had thought I was done after #4 (gave away a bunch of baby stuff, clothes, etc.) but when he was about 2, I just had this feeling that there was "one more" -- and there was. :) My dh had a V after #5. We waited a year before we did it, and at that point, we were still sure. I'm enjoying the freedom it brings.

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