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Fun extras?


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Not really a strict curriculum question....but a fun one!


If you had an extra $100, what fun extras would you order for your kids next year? Games? Puzzles? etc.?


We have young kiddos that are just moving beyond the preschool/baby stage (6 and 3) and we'd love to get some ideas about what fun things other families enjoy!



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The things my boys (5&7) play with daily right now are:

* Legos

* GeoPuzzles

* Dress-up stuff for pretend play - pirates and soldiers mostly

* They also really enjoy books about nature like the DK EyeWonder books

and my oldest is loving looking at and drawing maps from atlases.

* And speaking of drawing, they go through art supplies like crazy - mostly

markers and paper

* Educational videos - they have recently loved the "Liberty's Kids" DVDs,

and again, anything about nature

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Snap Circuit sets





My husband got the (complete) basic set for $15.00 at a yard sale, which is about half the price of new. Last fall, he and my oldest son (who was six) went through the projects in the book in the evenings after younger brother (who turned three last November) had gone to sleep. My oldest son loooved it. In fact, we just got the upgrade for the next set, and my son paid half from birthday money! (We decided to "match" his "contribution," since it was a purchase for the purposes of education.)


Plus, when the little pieces get lost, you can replace them fairly cheaply.

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