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The Usborne Book of World History by A. Millard


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This is my first year homeschooling. I have got a copy of 'The Usborne Book of World History by A. Millard.


Has anyone used this for History? How did you plan it or supplement it?


Does anyone have any book lists to go along with it? I have a 10 year old and a 8 year old - very advanced readers and a 2 year old - along for the ride :)


I have Math, Science and Music sorted but I am a little worried about English I have them doing copy work for Handwriting and Memorization work - using scriptures, and I have a Grammar book I want to introduce when we get more settled. But should I being doing a proper English program. I have the Abeka program that I was given - Has anyone used it??


How long do you take for each subject at this age - We are starting very slowly - as school has just finished - The kids want to start HS straight away - but I don't them to get burnt out - or run out of enthusiasm.






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We're using that book with Sonlight's Core B right now and will continue using it in Core C. You can find their booklists on their website. Just look at the Core B and C packages. They pair it with Child's History of the World as the other spine.


Thanks for that info!! I will check it out :)



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I have friends who have used the Abeka grammar books with great success. Their kids are now in college. One is still using it with her high schooler, who will be taking the ACT.


What I've heard is that Abeka has lots of exercises to provide plenty of practice. It sounds similar to Saxon math. You can feel free to skip exercises if you're confident that your child knows that material.


There are TONS of wonderful book lists. I've looked at the Sonlight catalog, Veritas Press, Tapestry of Grace, Greenleaf Press (all free) and Biblioplan. You can also check out http://www.redshift.com/~bonajo/history.htm for a chronological book list.

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We have that same book for our history (1st & 2nd grader) - I just read it to them throughout the week and we discuss whatever parts interest either them or me! I don't supplement at all, right now, although I may try to actually plan ahead for some things and do some related projects. This is one of their favorite subjects - we keep getting too far ahead because they beg me to read more pages!


My plan is to do the first 2 sections this school year and the next 2 sections next year. I will need to slow it down at some point - probably by adding projects or branching out on subjects with library books...

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I would agree with the advice to pair it with a narrative history, particularly if your child gets as frustrated with Usborne as mine did. We do Sonlight, so the narrative history provided is A Child's History of the World, but anything that tells history as a story instead of as a gathering of discrete information may help--Story of the World would probably be fine, too. Then you look at Usborne for its pretty, pretty pictures, and some alternate "takes" on things, often with more (or very different) details.

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OK this may sound really dense, but what kind of things should I get my kids to notebook? Do they write what they can remember? Draw a picture etc??

My plan is to have a spiral notebook for each subject and then get them to draw on plain paper and then glue it in with the relevant topic. What do you think?



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Yep, a notebook can be as plain or fancy as you like! You could even just get those half and half paper notebooks where the top half is blank and the bottom half is lined. Know what I mean?


Get them to draw a picture on top about something interesting they learned, and get them to do a written narration on the bottom. That's about it! Very effective learning technique though!

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