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Ok..how in the world so little laundry

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How in the world do all of you do so little laundry??? We have side loaders Whirpool Duets that we got a couple of years ago that saved my life, but still.. I see those of you with 3 or 4 loads a weeK?????


We have 5: dh who is a surgeon, 14 and 16year old boys who are taller than I am, 14 year old has bigger feet and almost as tall as hubby, and a 9year old messy farm girl. We live on 50 acres.


16year old does the kid laundry every Monday morning and he has a huge load of jeans/jean shorts, lights, darks, and reds. Sometimes he has a load of towels or his sheets.


Then other than Monday, I do a load or two every single day.


To me, that makes sense. I mean the boys mow. They areNASTY. They take a shower and change clothes. Still playing, get ketchup on themselves, whatever...time to go to church. Change again. Dh is almost an obsessive clean person who takes 2 to 3 showers a day. He always takes one in the morning and one after he gets home from the hospital. If he is home on weekends he might take another one if he mows or does yardwork.


I just don't see how to cut this down like all of you do? Do you wear jeans more than one day?? If we lived in the city, I might see this but not here. We just got back from a 2 week vacation overseas and I limited them to one carry on each. I did laundry once. But boy, their clothes were nasty... I don't want them to wear the same jeans more than one day most of the time at home.. It would smell.



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I have littler kids than you do, and we do wear jeans/shorts more than once if they don't get dirty, but we're not outside getting grungy mowing, either.


My little guy probably generates the most number of things to be washed, but he's still small enough that he doesn't make more than one load total for himself. :D


We do more than 4-5 loads per week, though, I think. We have a denim load, dark load, pink/purple load :lol:, green/blue load, white/tan load, and at least one but probably two bleach loads - towels and socks/underwear. I suppose I could try doing all the laundry in a week and see what it comes out to be. :D


We do more laundry when it's cold because the clothes are bulkier. We can do a little less in the summer when we wear shorts and swimsuits.

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we live in the country and the kids get filthy. I do 2-3 a day at least. Sometimes more. Mowing, yard work, playing in the creek, etc. makes for some dirty clothes. Add in soccer practice, running clothes, etc, plus towels and sheets, that's a lot of laundry for 9 people. I'd like to cut back, but I din't know how.

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I think it makes a huge difference what size your family members are. With three large men in your family, and an almost tenyr old, eleven yr old and a baby in mine, of course I'll have less laundry then you though we both have five in our family. The baby makes a lot of laudry though, sometimes three changes a day, still not close to a grown guy changing three times a day.


IMO clothes worn to church for an evening are not 'dirty'. If you shower before you put them on and sit for the evening, unless you're very sweaty those clothes get hung up here and reworn the next day or the next church service.

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We do 3-4 loads a week. We rewear stuff until it smells or is visibly dirty (or if I've seen the kids try to wear the same outfit 3 days in a row, lol). They don't tend to get ketchup on themselves--if they do we change clothes right away. My kids play outside, but they're mostly on the swingset, so they don't get all that dirty and I don't notice them being sweaty (and we're in western WA, so we're not outside a ton from Oct-Apr). They all do indoor sports. DH works in an office (but is allowed to dress casually), and he has clothes for working in the yard. There's only a small part of the year where we mow weekly, usually it's biweekly. DH will try to get out every Saturday if the weather is good, but that's about the most yardwork we do. I probably could do the linens more often than I do, but that wouldn't add a full load per week. I don't notice anyone smelling, maybe I should ask friends of ours?? Another factor--teen boys do stink. I suppose in a few years DS will be going through quite a bit more laundry than he is now.

Edited by Rosy
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