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Spiral bind AAS?

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I've read many posts about chopping up books to have them bound different ways.


If you do this, are there things you do NOT chop up?


Should I have a "test" book done first to see if I like it?


I'm thinking it would be easier to use AAS if I can open and leave it flat. Because...While using it with ds, we'll be working in front of a mirror to make it a spelling and speech curriculum.

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I hadn't even considered doing that, but I'm going to do it today! Many thanks for the idea!


I've found the best way to dismantle books is to bend the spine until it breaks, pull out the pages a few at a time, and only then trim them if they need it. Usually I can just pull the glue off of the edge and the pages are perfect, then all I need to trim is the cover and back. There is no way I'm taking expensive curricula to an office supply store where there is a chance they will cut it wrong, and I can't see a craft or utility knife cutting as cleanly as the pages come out the way I do it. My way might take longer, but an AAS book isn't very big so it shouldn't take too long.


Now I'm off to find the AAS book and the ProClick!

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I took my AAS TM to Office Max, had them chop off the spine, and spiral bound it. It made it SOOOOO much easier to use (because of the lay flat issue). It only cost about $3. FWIW, when we decided to stop using AAS, I had no problem reselling it even though I'd had it spiral bound.

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I do this with most books that are going to be used alot and are bound with the glue and stuff. I have a comb binder at home, so I just take them and get the spines cut off.


I would HIGHLY recommend that, even for just de-spining, that you take it to Kinko's. And I'm sure there are others that would recommend it also. The office stores have decent equipment, but their employees are not always trained on it properly, (My Office Depot actually has crappy equipment). Kinko's is exceptional. Their equipment is TOP of the LINE, and this is all the employees do.


Their de-spiner, for instance, can cut up to, like 4" and I can get multiple workbooks for the price of 1 cut. They also flip through the books and tell me if they think there is going to be a problem with text being cut off, etc. LOVE my kinko's.

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Ok, I spent 30 minutes ripping apart my AAS2 book, trimming the pages, punching with the ProClick and adding a comb spine. Easy, and since I already own all of the equipment to trim, punch, and bind it was free! It takes me 45 minutes to drive to the closest office store, so it was a lot faster, too!

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  • 2 years later...

I separated all the pages in my WWE level one book a year or so ago. And i came on here because i have students in AAS, AAR, SOTW, and soon to be WWE again... and was getting so frustrated having to hold all those books open.


before viewing this thread i called 3 copy stores. one would not cut the spine off b/c they said something about copyright laws. (WHAT?) another would not cut and bind it for me b/c she said the glue 'gunks' her machine. finally, the last one, that i had gotten it done in the past (but i had separated the pages first), said yes. and they are also the only ones to offer a white spiral for the binding too. this time i'm going to just have them cut it, b/c they seem skilled, and have been in the past. i'm going to a unique office depot location in a nice area. 


i came here just b/c i wanted to make sure i wouldn't miss the nice beautiful spins lined up on my shelf and that functional was really better. :)


also, thanks for mentioning that the resell wasn't a problem. 

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