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Homeschooling in Florida

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My dh is interviewing for a new job in Florida and considering moving us there should this job work out. I am concerned about the homeschool laws. We currently live in a state that does not require testing or reporting to anyone and, if I understanding what I am reading on the HSLDA website, those who homeschool in Florida have to do this and much more. Is this true?


ETA: I think I may have put this in the wrong forum. Sorry. I just stopped lurking and started posting recently and I'm still finding my way around.

Edited by abidnginhim
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No, not true. There are several options. One is to simply register with a private "umbrella school." You would send them attendance records and your child is considered a private student, so no interference by the government. The other option is to register as a homeschooled student, with the county. If you do that then every year you have to EITHER submit that they took a test OR have a certified teacher review their portfolio of work. The teacher then signs off that the student has completed work commensurate with their abilities. There are plenty of homeschool moms that are certified teachers that do this, and it is not a problem at all. heck, there are teachers doing via the internet now. You also must keep a log of books used, and records of what you have done, in case they ever ask for them. (I've never heard of that happening.) The benefit of registering as a homeschool student is that they can participate in classes at the local school if they wish (my son did for a while) or be on sports teams.

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We homeschool in FL and chose to register under the county. When my children reach high school age, I will then register them with an umbrella school to deal with credits and such.


It's really pretty easy. I'm going to have DD tested at the end of the summer and then submit the results to the county. There's no particular score needed...just showing improvement from year to year.


You do need to keep a portfolio handy in case they ask to see it (never heard of this happening either). I don't actually keep a portfolio, but I do keep my DD's work. So if a portfolio is ever needed, I'll just throw something together. They give you a few weeks, I think.

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We homeschool in Florida too, on the east coast, and I find it relatively easy. For now I am registered with the county, but as a PP said, once we get to high school I will probably go with an umbrella school as well. Finding a teacher to do an evaluation is very easy, although we do test every year, but I keep those scores just for me. What part of Florida are you looking at? It's a good idea to look at the FPEA website and/or the website of the school district you are thinking about moving into, to get more info!


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