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Need Writing Program Suggestion - 2nd & 3rd graders IEW or MC?


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I'm Alison and I am beginning homeschooling our kids in a couple of weeks.


They will be 2nd and 3rd graders.


Here is what we have for curriculum:


* Sonlight Core B and hopefully C for history as well as vocabulary. I plan to move through it at an increased pace in hopes to start D some time next year.


* Growing with Grammar


* A Reason for Handwriting


* Spelling - I have sequential spelling but also have Spelling workout b/c it looks easier for ME. I think I'll try out SS first and if it is frustrating we'll move on to Spelling Workout.


* Math Mammoth


* Sonlight Science B. I also have several Elemental Science Grammar stage programs in queue.


This summer I plan to do Sonlight Core and Elemental Science Biology (animals). This will allow for easing our way into Sonlight's reading and also provide some narration in the Biology.


The biggest holes I have are Vocab & Writing. I'm torn whether I should have a Vocab program. I think I'll just see how it goes with Sonlight.


Now for writing. We are not a verbose family. My husband and I are engineers and our minds are more technical and less verbal.


I was thinking IEW or Meaningful Composition appear to be favorites with moms. I like the idea of Meaningful Composition as it is less expensive. It appears it only starts at level 4. Does this mean that it is too soon to start with Meaningful composition?


For IEW - I was thinking of starting both kids on it together but it appears it is recommended for 3rd grade and up.


Another option would be to choose a less expensive program for our first year as we get our bearings on homeschooling.


If there are placement suggestions for IEW or Meaningful Composition, I would love those! Or if there are wise suggestions for our first year of homeschooling, that would be appreciated too.


I want to do something that will work. I like the idea of using IEW because it would teach ME how to teach writing. I think the initial upfront cost for the Teacher DVD's is something we could handle right now - so this is definitely an option.

Edited by warneral
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I bought Meaningful Composition but it looks a little too much for my 3rd grader ( even if he is advanced in LA & reading) . It also looks kind of boring . I bought IEW TWSS + SWI ( gift from my mom ) and it is just perfect and interesting. That said , I am still interested in Essentials in Writing :)


For spelling & vocabulary , we love Building Spelling Skills ( By Christian Liberty Press ). It's independent and affordable . I do too many subjects that are teacher intensive, so it's nice to have something he can do by himself. From 3rd gr&up , it is also a vocabulary program.

Edited by blessedmom3
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The essentials in writing is not one I had seen! I wonder if combining it with Growing with Grammar would be overkill though. It does look like a nice program.


I am thinking I might wait on IEW for one year so that I could do it with my kiddos at the same time when they are 3rd & 4th.


Has anyone started IEW with their 2nd grader? She is a good reader and a decent writer.

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The essentials in writing is not one I had seen! I wonder if combining it with Growing with Grammar would be overkill though. It does look like a nice program.


I am thinking I might wait on IEW for one year so that I could do it with my kiddos at the same time when they are 3rd & 4th.


Has anyone started IEW with their 2nd grader? She is a good reader and a decent writer.


The company that publishes Growing with Grammar is coming out with their own writing program sometime early this summer. You might wait to see what they produce since it will for sure go along with Growing with Grammar. Here is a link where you can sign up for an email when they publish it:



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Thanks I am eagerly anticipating seeing her program! I did sign up for her announcement and thought I'd wait to make a final decision until I can see her samples. Even if it isn't ideal/perfect, it might be a good way to start things off - then the following year if I feel we need to improve our writing, we could try IEW.

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Also, IEW has a writing program for younger kids. Primary Arts for Language. (PAL) I don't know very much about it. I think that it is fairly new. You may want to check it out.


There is an IEW Yahoo group. This is very helpful if you want more info on IEW products, since you can get answers to any of your questions and product recommendations.



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Hi ladies, I just noticed that the growing with grammar website must have published it's "winning with writing" program tonight. I looked through the program and it looks to be similar to what my kids are working on in public school. I think I'll give it a try this year as it looks simple, straight forward, and not too teacher intensive. I will try IEW next year as both kids will be in the target age and then I can make the investment at that time :)



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