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Need your reviews of Analytical Grammar (v. Grammar Ace)

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I was planning on using Grammar Ace (from Sonlight) this year and starting Analytical Grammar next year. I just checked the Sonlight website for the price of an extra workbook. (I already have the instructor's manual and one workbook from LAST year when I bought it and decided to wait until THIS year to use it. I'm bad about that...:blushing:). Anyway, I happened to read the reviews on the Sonlight website for Grammar Ace and they weren't very good. Here's an example:


"This book LOOKS like a lot of fun, but, in fact, vague instruction (don't get me started on the lessons on phrases and clauses!) and 2 very skimpy exercises on each subject is just not enough to cut it."


I was wondering if I'd be better to abandon Grammar Ace and start a year early on Analytical Grammar. But, I'd have to fork out another $115 for that. (Not to mention, waste the money I spent last year on the Grammar Ace set!) So, I wanted to know what you all think of Analytical Grammar. Will your reviews be better than Grammar Ace, about the same? What do you think? Has anyone used Grammar Ace? Do you agree with the review?


So, Cathy Duffys of the Hive.....what is your review of Analytical Grammar? (or Grammar Ace, for that matter!:))

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I haven't used Analytical Grammar, but the price does make me cringe a bit. I've used a very old copy of Easy Grammar and have really liked the prepositional approach. This copy is over 300 pages long, is reproducible and is about 15 years old. I've used it with four children so far, will use it for three more AND it survived a house fire! Talk about getting my money's worth!


Anyway, back to your question... I am using Grammar Ace this year with my 12 and 13 yo for a change of pace. Yes, the workbook is succinct, but the teacher's manual has lots of good ideas for filling out the program. I think that GA, used with the TM is a good, basic grammar program. Will it be all the grammar you'll ever need? Probably not, but I think it will be fun.

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I was planning on using Grammar Ace (from Sonlight) this year and starting Analytical Grammar next year. I just checked the Sonlight website for the price of an extra workbook. (I already have the instructor's manual and one workbook from LAST year when I bought it and decided to wait until THIS year to use it. I'm bad about that...:blushing:). Anyway, I happened to read the reviews on the Sonlight website for Grammar Ace and they weren't very good. Here's an example:


"This book LOOKS like a lot of fun, but, in fact, vague instruction (don't get me started on the lessons on phrases and clauses!) and 2 very skimpy exercises on each subject is just not enough to cut it."


I was wondering if I'd be better to abandon Grammar Ace and start a year early on Analytical Grammar. But, I'd have to fork out another $115 for that. (Not to mention, waste the money I spent last year on the Grammar Ace set!) So, I wanted to know what you all think of Analytical Grammar. Will your reviews be better than Grammar Ace, about the same? What do you think? Has anyone used Grammar Ace? Do you agree with the review?


So, Cathy Duffys of the Hive.....what is your review of Analytical Grammar? (or Grammar Ace, for that matter!:))


I used AG with my oldest and youngest and it was a huge success. In fact, my oldest (dd 15) who has a recently dx'd LD found it to be the ONLY program that worked. It's set up to be used over 1, 2 or 3 years and include a schedule for each choice. If you use if over 3 years, the pace is very doable and you'd only be spending about $35 a year for a complete grammar program. Dd used it over 9th and 10th. Ds (13) has one more "season" to do in 8th. Both of them will use the review and reinforcement after that.


What I liked best about it:

a) just grammar, no writing

b) a straightforward, open and go curriculum.

c) teaches sentence diagraming in a step by step way that makes sense.

d) Teacher friendly - We go over the "lesson" together, on Monday and they do the first practice. Tue and Thur, practice 2 and 3, test on Friday.

f) Tests are very comprehensive! You really know if the material is being mastered.

e) you learn one part/concept at a time, but continue to use it as you go along so review is built in!

f) finding the parts is taught in such a sensible pattern that it quickly becomes intuitive. HOWEVER - see my caution below :)


My dislikes:

a) correcting work can be a chore because as they progress, there are more and more "parts" to check in each sentence. I honestly don't mind, but it does take time.

b) Finding the parts caution:

We learned (the hard way) that in the beginning, the habit of looking for the parts, i.e. following the pattern, vs just looking at each word and trying to guess its part had to be intentionally taught. Once this was mastered, no problem. I put this as a dislike because I wish the author would address this in the beginning. We had several failed units before I figured out what the problem was.


Wish, wish, wish!!!! that this was on cd-rom like Teaching Textbooks. That would indeed be my dream grammar program. :)

Edited by JustGin
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I think Grammar Ace could be used as a review or a supplement for things that are not understood with another program but I did not consider it a full grammar program. There just isn't much to it. I sold mine. :)


I also tried AG. It was a complete failure for us. I am sure it is great for some students but not for this teacher or student!! My ds started it this past fall. Our first frustration was the fact that they don't allow you to make ANY copies of the pages and there are not enough review for some students. We got to the first test and he completely failed it. He just didn't get it. There was no way to give him help with just that information. If I was strong in grammar I am sure I could have worked up a couple more practice sheets for him but I am not and I could not. I even asked on their Yahoo group for ideas and people just suggested retyping one of the pages. I paid too much to need to take time to do that for each chapter. I also contacted the company and asked what they would recommend - NO response.


So knowing that he would get more practice in the next chapter, we kept going. Now he had to figure out the next thing plus try to understand the first concept. He failed the second test. Still not enough practice. Do you see where this is going? We took until Christmas and only made it through the first few lessons and he was totally frustrated. HATED grammar, etc.


Fast forward to now... We dumped the AG curriculum. Resold it and used the money to purchase Easy Grammar. Not only is it working but he likes it!! He liked it so much that his sisters got interested and I purchased books for them too. No one complains (other than the normal groan that they do because they are kids and feel like they should complain) and they are GETTING IT!


I am not a curriculum guru like Cathy Duffy and I do not write well thought out review, but I know what works. I have three different learning styles in my house and they are all finding success with Easy Grammar.


Just saying! :D

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I used AG with my oldest and youngest and it was a huge success. In fact, my oldest (dd 15) who has a recently dx'd LD found it to be the ONLY program that worked. It's set up to be used over 1, 2 or 3 years and include a schedule for each choice. If you use if over 3 years, the pace is very doable and you'd only be spending about $35 a year for a complete grammar program. Dd used it over 9th and 10th. Ds (13) has one more "season" to do in 8th. Both of them will use the review and reinforcement after that.


What I liked best about it:

a) just grammar, no writing

b) a straightforward, open and go curriculum.

c) teaches sentence diagraming in a step by step way that makes sense.

d) Teacher friendly - We go over the "lesson" together, on Monday and they do the first practice. Tue and Thur, practice 2 and 3, test on Friday.

f) Tests are very comprehensive! You really know if the material is being mastered.

e) you learn one part/concept at a time, but continue to use it as you go along so review is built in!

f) finding the parts is taught in such a sensible pattern that it quickly becomes intuitive. HOWEVER - see my caution below :)


My dislikes:

a) correcting work can be a chore because as they progress, there are more and more "parts" to check in each sentence. I honestly don't mind, but it does take time.

b) Finding the parts caution:

We learned (the hard way) that in the beginning, the habit of looking for the parts, i.e. following the pattern, vs just looking at each word and trying to guess its part had to be intentionally taught. Once this was mastered, no problem. I put this as a dislike because I wish the author would address this in the beginning. We had several failed units before I figured out what the problem was.




:iagree: This is grammar program we have finally found success with for DD. We used BJU, Easy Grammar the R&S. None of them stuck. AG is sticking and the light bulb moments are happening!

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I bought Grammar Ace and ended up selling it w/o using it at our local sale last year. The woman who bought it from me....ended up selling it this year, LOL! I was not impressed when I looked through & agree it's a fun review rather than an indepth course. I haven't used AG so can't comment on that. I'm using Easy Grammar this year & wish I had tried it a few years ago. It's been very helpful, understandable & plenty of review. And mostly it's been easy to use too, so it fit the bill here :).


Merry :-)

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I used AG with my oldest and youngest and it was a huge success. In fact, my oldest (dd 15) who has a recently dx'd LD found it to be the ONLY program that worked. It's set up to be used over 1, 2 or 3 years and include a schedule for each choice. If you use if over 3 years, the pace is very doable and you'd only be spending about $35 a year for a complete grammar program. Dd used it over 9th and 10th. Ds (13) has one more "season" to do in 8th. Both of them will use the review and reinforcement after that.


What I liked best about it:

a) just grammar, no writing

b) a straightforward, open and go curriculum.

c) teaches sentence diagraming in a step by step way that makes sense.

d) Teacher friendly - We go over the "lesson" together, on Monday and they do the first practice. Tue and Thur, practice 2 and 3, test on Friday.

f) Tests are very comprehensive! You really know if the material is being mastered.

e) you learn one part/concept at a time, but continue to use it as you go along so review is built in!

f) finding the parts is taught in such a sensible pattern that it quickly becomes intuitive. HOWEVER - see my caution below :)


My dislikes:

a) correcting work can be a chore because as they progress, there are more and more "parts" to check in each sentence. I honestly don't mind, but it does take time.

b) Finding the parts caution:

We learned (the hard way) that in the beginning, the habit of looking for the parts, i.e. following the pattern, vs just looking at each word and trying to guess its part had to be intentionally taught. Once this was mastered, no problem. I put this as a dislike because I wish the author would address this in the beginning. We had several failed units before I figured out what the problem was.


Wish, wish, wish!!!! that this was on cd-rom like Teaching Textbooks. That would indeed be my dream grammar program. :)


:iagree: I've found AG to be the most effective grammar program for middle school age after trying R&S (actually a very good program, but too time consuming for us), GWG and EG.

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