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Stylish hat to hide hair loss?? (Or any other brilliant ideas?)

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Due to some medical problems, I have had a lot of hair loss over the last several months.


It's not bad enough to need (or want) a wig, but it is bad enough that you can see patches of my scalp, and my hair is really scraggly.


Are there are hats that are stylish and summer-y and would like nice to wear indoors and would not look like I was hiding something?


And/or does anyone have other good ideas how to hide excessive hair loss??

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I would probably go the scarf/handkerchief route because it's summer and HOT. Straw cowboy hats (they have stylish ones at Target can also be fun worn with leather sandals, a denim skirt and a white cottony top.


I'd look around until you find something your style.....there's lots out there.


You might also work with your stylist to see if your cut can be altered to be more flattering to the issues you're having. Sometimes they really can work wonders. My dd's hair really got thin and broken from chemo, and she went bald underneath from radiation, but you weren't able to tell most of the time because of her cut and style.


Wigs, fwiw, are HORRIBLY itchy and uncomfortable.

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There are wide, stretchy headbands that don't require tying or anything, like these. They would cover a lot of the scalp, but they're cheap enough to easily coordinate to your outfit to still be stylish.


Plus nobody would expect you to remove a headband indoors. It's a hair accessory instead of a hat. Some of those combined with a new haircut might do the trick. :001_smile:

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I don't have hair loss but I'm an avid wearer of scarves. I search the thrift stores and my favourites are inevitably red, orange and pink one with striking 60's-70's graphics. :D I tie them like the Katie Holmes pic but generally tuck most of my hair under and bobby pin them in place.


I hardly ever see any other women wear them (especially not in the bright and sometimes garish patterns I like) but I think they're great and I sort of like being the head scarf lady. :)

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I don't know how adventuresome you are, but when my hair fell out, I was a big fan of head wraps:




If you do a google image search you can see all sorts of types. There are youtube videos on how to wrap them as well.


The best thing is, you don't have to buy any specific product: they're just a long strip of cool cloth you can pick up off the remnants table at your local fabric store.


They were very popular where I lived.


Come to think of it, I think I'll start wearing them again for summer...




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