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Using SWR, but thinking about PR


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I have used SWR with our 3rd grade girls for 4 years now. I just found PR. I love how it incorporates grammar, writing and Latin. Can I use PR just for those things and continue with SWR? Or would you switch entirely? How easy is it to do the writing (that is a huge weakness for me). How long are the weekly videos? If I were to switch (or add) I think level 2 if there is Latin and a decent amount of writing in it. Or could a person who has done SWR for 4 years hop in at level 3? Is it worth getting PR even if I am doing SWR? Thank you, Amy

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I have not used either program yet. I am planning on Phonics Road for fall with my littles. My best advice for you is to NOT switch from something that is working to something untried. I made the big mistake of hopping around with my olders and they are paying for it now.

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I don't have an answer for you, only another question. I'm where you were 4 years ago, about to start SWR. Just bought the books (SWR and WISE guide) and intimidated by how teacher-intensive it appears, and the steep learning curve (looks like I have to spend quite a lot of time studying the method first and get it under my belt before teaching it). Is this the case, is it a very labor-intensive program? The 2 classical schools in our area use SWR exclusively, which is why I purchased it. But now I've also learned about Phonics Road through this forum, and wondering if I should just eat the cost of the SWR materials I've purchased and go for Phonics Road instead. My kids are 5 and 7 yrs old, and learned spelling with Abeka thus far, and we're NOT going to continue with that, so they'll have to learn something new anyway, should I choose Phonics Road or SWR?

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I have used SWR for 2.5 years with my son. I read the teacher manual is one crazy week in 30 hours. Then, it was easy. I didn't really plan except to say 1 spread a week in the WISE guide. Do the prep stuff at the top, dictate the words, do the extras at the bottom. It takes us 4 days a week for about 15 minutes (sometimes more). We are now on section T, and he knows so much that he just writes the words in syllables with markings (I write up the list of words for him without syllable breaks to go off of), and I quiz him by adding suffixes and endings. So at this point, his time is 1 hour per week, and my time is 15 minutes.


My attitude is: if it's not broke, don't fix it. If SWR is working for your children (and you), don't switch programs.


Ruth in NZ

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SWR does have a learning curve but once you got it.....it is open and go. I believe so much in the spalding method. I would be happy to speak with you about the program to help get you started if you would like. You could email me personally. I was wondering where you live because my niece is teaching in a classical school in St. Louis. She uses the SWR. She graduated with a reading specialist degree. I showed her SWR and she got training in it. She said that everything that she learned in her reading specialist degree meant nothing to her after learning SWR. The reason I am interested in PR is for the writing and Latin roots. I am not good at that and would like some hand holding in that area. If I could get PR even to just add that part to our day it would be great! Amy

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SWR does have a learning curve but once you got it.....it is open and go. I believe so much in the spalding method. I would be happy to speak with you about the program to help get you started if you would like. You could email me personally. I was wondering where you live because my niece is teaching in a classical school in St. Louis. She uses the SWR. She graduated with a reading specialist degree. I showed her SWR and she got training in it. She said that everything that she learned in her reading specialist degree meant nothing to her after learning SWR. The reason I am interested in PR is for the writing and Latin roots. I am not good at that and would like some hand holding in that area. If I could get PR even to just add that part to our day it would be great! Amy

I love the incorporated writing in PR. After stumbling a bit with my first round of elementary school (my oldest is 15 now), I have learned that application means so much in writing, spelling and grammar.


PR 3 is probably where you'd fit for spelling. Personally, since they are similar, I think you'd be fine picking up the spelling in PR3, which will begin with a review of the PR1&2 words. This will also give you a nice chance to learn the markings in PR (won't take long to learn for you or the dc). About midway, the spelling is turned into the word study. It is excellent. We have learned so much from it this year, it sticks, and it is much less boring than other routes we have taken. There is a nice post about the word study on my blog.


As for writing, the beginnings of the writing program are in Level 2; however, if you can write sentences and do a very simple outline, you're in good shape. If not, you'll find it will be easy to decipher from Level 3 instructions and you can "catch up" pretty quickly. The writing will come right out of the literature study, which is Wonderful for application and brings out clear understanding. It's easy to "see" the writing in level 3 b/c you're using well written literature to bring it out.


The DVDs will take little to no time for the spelling portion and each and every thing you need for grammar will be on the DVD (pulled from lit. study in the 2nd half of the year). I always rec. dvd-a-thons b/c I found, I can sit down, crank out some notes while watching the dvds, then grab and go during the week. I spent time in summer planning out all of year 3. You can also find a blog on how much time it took me to plan. By watching the DVDs you'll get the hand holding for writing you need. It's great.


I love PR. It is one product that has truly made a Difference in our home schooling -- a real difference. I'll never look towards another LA program again -- there is not need! FWIW, I have lots of kids, and lots of learning styles. We've made PR work for each of us, I love it, the kids enjoy it and I see tremendous results.


Check out my blog. There's loads of info. on PR.

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I don't have an answer for you, only another question. I'm where you were 4 years ago, about to start SWR. Just bought the books (SWR and WISE guide) and intimidated by how teacher-intensive it appears, and the steep learning curve (looks like I have to spend quite a lot of time studying the method first and get it under my belt before teaching it). Is this the case, is it a very labor-intensive program? The 2 classical schools in our area use SWR exclusively, which is why I purchased it. But now I've also learned about Phonics Road through this forum, and wondering if I should just eat the cost of the SWR materials I've purchased and go for Phonics Road instead. My kids are 5 and 7 yrs old, and learned spelling with Abeka thus far, and we're NOT going to continue with that, so they'll have to learn something new anyway, should I choose Phonics Road or SWR?

SWR is a WONDERFUL program, but there is a significant learning curve. Once you pass this, you're in good shape.


The plus of PR is the wonderful foundation (think of it as a cousin to SWR), and the across the board application. It really connected the dots for my family. We no longer see Spelling AND Grammar AND writing AND Literature...we see Language Arts and it has really made a difference in our skill level, ability to apply across subject lines, and our enjoyment level. I spend less time in PR than I did when I taught from a more ecclectic mix of LA materials.


I also want to add...as an old home schooler :D there are times in this journey where time investment is necessary. In the early years, get that foundation solid! It will be worth however much time it takes. Trust me...remediation is a nightmare!

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