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Greek Mythology "Family Tree" and [fingers crossed] free.


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Hello Hive,


Wouldn't you know it, right smack in the middle of SOTW 3, my men decide Greek Mythology is the most fascinating thing they've ever heard of and how can we make a "family tree" explaining the lineage of the Greek gods.


I wish they would want to learn what I want them to learn when I want them to learn it but I've given up on that dream . . . does anyone know of neat resources for Greek mythology. Maybe something like timeline figures . . . we've read the Odyssey and a stack of stories. The boys have read the Percy Jackson series (though I suspect it is a high sugar, low protein sorta read).


I'd appreciate any leads that I could follow.


Thank you,


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That post brings back memories.


Here's a link to a blog post I wrote about constructing a family tree for the Greek gods with my daughter. It links to the resource we used. You'll find different versions but keep in mind that's because there are different versions of the Greek myths. You have to pick one that suits your needs the best.


I do believe that, 4 years and a move later, that family tree is still kicking around here somewhere. I'll have to hang it up.

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The D'aulaires Book of Greek Myths has a family tree inside the front page. My kids like to look at it. I saw someone ~Satori?~ forgive me, I'm new here, anyway I linked to her blog thru a post here & saw where she made cards for her daughter & magnetized them. They were c.o.o.l. I think in the blog she even provided the link for the cards & the download for them was free? I hope I'm not mixing this up. Hopefully she'll chime in here or you can visit her blog & see what's there.

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Thank you, Hivers. I'll check out these resources.


And now seems like the right time to confess that here I am, age 37, with an undergrad and course work for a Master's degree complete in *history* and I'd never heard about Jason and the Golden Fleece until . . . last week.


I wonder if there will come a point when I won't be surprised at how little I know about anything.


Warmly, Tricia

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