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Essentials in Writing Curriculum


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I met Matthew at the Midwest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati, and I think this looks really good! He gave a brief explanation of the presentations he plans (he uses a comparison to how MUS presents Math concepts)--he'll present a concept, show how he would work that out so kids can see how writers wrestle through certain aspects, and then give kids an assignment to try it on their own. (We were talking about essay writing for high school, and he breaks it down into components and has kids work on one thing at a time--when they are done with that assignment they can go on to the next segment and so on). It seemed like it would be logical and clear--I can't wait to see the online demos!


Merry :-)

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Carolyn...can't seem to find a place to "delete" this post. Don't want to overstep my boundaries here.

There is an "edit" button at the right hand corner of your post. You can click on that and then either delete or edit your post.


WTM has strict rules. We can talk about, link to, or suggest, review curriculums, but "sellers" of said curriculum cannot suggest or refer or link to their own curriculums..hope this helps

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I just realized that I posted the original thread before I contacted Matthew, so I "was" asking where to purchase it! LOL


Hopefully I am over-reacting and his answer to "my" question here is fine!


I just have learned to be very careful on these boards. I know they don't allow advertisers or sellers. So far it's still here, so all is well!

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Guest MatthewStephens

My post is gone, so it didn't set well. Sorry for the inconvenience this caused anyone. Will try to be more discreet in answering the questions vs. making a plug.



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Guest momk2000

This looks awesome! Just what I need for my 10yo reluctant writer. I have been combing the net for a writing curriculum, this could just be the answer to my prayers. :001_smile:

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