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Question for people who use Classical Conversations

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We listen to our CD some but not as much as during the year. We'll keep working on Cycle 2 materials. My son wants to do Memory Masters next year so I think we'll work on things that are the same every year like timeline and math. However, I'm a tutor and if you're new to a group you may think that you should listen to our Cycle 3 CD over the summer....but resist the urge. My job as a tutor is to introduce that memory work to your child. That is the fun of class, for the kids to learn the information together. In the upper grades, some kids will already know the information if they had the cycle before but the younger kids will probably not have that issue. CC is so fun and I'm excited to go to practicum next week. My kids miss having CC over the summer. We'll be enjoying it at home and hopefully visiting CC friends often till we start again in the fall.

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However, I'm a tutor and if you're new to a group you may think that you should listen to our Cycle 3 CD over the summer....but resist the urge. My job as a tutor is to introduce that memory work to your child. That is the fun of class, for the kids to learn the information together.


Very good to know! Thanks!

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This past year was our first year of CC. Because we had such a light year last year (Jan-Dec), we are continuing to school through the summer. Yes, we will be reviewing our memory work causually. Like a pp, I am focusing on math and timeline. I don't want to work ahead. I want my kids to be introduced to the memory work by their tutor along with their fellow classmates. Because math and timeline are repeated, I thought it would be helpful to solidify those to give my son a head start on becoming a memory master next year. (Several of the other boys in his upcoming class are already memory masters.) All 3 of my boys will repeat this past cycle before hitting challenge, though, so I know they will have a second chance at committing all of the information to long-term memory.

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We don't continue working on the memory work through the summer, but we will start in working on the last 4-6 weeks of memory work as soon as we start back to school (about 4-5 weeks before CC starts for us). We do this to help solidify the last few weeks of memory work that don't have as much time for review before Memory Masters testing begins. Both my kids are on their 2nd time through Cycle 3 and want to get MM next year.

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I'm a tutor and if you're new to a group you may think that you should listen to our Cycle 3 CD over the summer....but resist the urge. My job as a tutor is to introduce that memory work to your child. That is the fun of class, for the kids to learn the information together.


Would you mind elaborating? My plan for the summer was to breeze through Beautiful Feet's Early American History, so that when the info was presented at CC, they had a clue what the tutor was talking about as the class gets to each topic. Is that a bad idea?

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shameless bump - hoping for a reply! :)


I think what you are planning is fine. It would be teaching them the actual CC history sentences that the prior poster was talking about. I'm glad that she spoke up - because I was going back and forth with letting my kids start listening to the history songs for cycle 3. But it can be distracting when children pipe up - "Oh I already know that song!"


You'll be giving your kids context for when your teacher introduces the history song/sentence - which is good, I think. And learning the songs later at CC will reinforce what they have been studying, and help them to better make connections.

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I think what you are planning is fine. It would be teaching them the actual CC history sentences that the prior poster was talking about. I'm glad that she spoke up - because I was going back and forth with letting my kids start listening to the history songs for cycle 3. But it can be distracting when children pipe up - "Oh I already know that song!"


You'll be giving your kids context for when your teacher introduces the history song/sentence - which is good, I think. And learning the songs later at CC will reinforce what they have been studying, and help them to better make connections.


I agree...what I was saying is exactly that. I had a child who worked on cycle 2 all summer so when he came to class...he had an attitude like I already know it. Then by the end of the year he just started acting out. Feel free to already cover material that will be discussed in class....that will really help them as they learn the information in class. But again agreeing with above....let your tutor introduce the CC work...that is what you are paying them to do. Enjoy!

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We won't be doing any CC memory work over the summer. However, I see that week 23's history "sentence" is the Preamble to the Constitution, and week 24's is the Bill of Rights. We will start working on those earlier in the year! My ds was a memory master this year, so he'll already know the math, timeline, and presidents.

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