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How soon do you re-dose after throwing up medicine?

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DS is sick with stomach yuck - again. The poor baby can't keep anything down at all. Even rinsing his mouth after thowing up triggers another bout of dry heaves. He's been up since 5:00 and everytime he starts to drift off to sleep, he's crying and trying to throw up again.


We just did this a few weeks ago and I have some Phenergan they gave us last time. I gave him a dose and he threw up within 5 minutes and again about 10 minutes after that. Should I try to get some more in him? There's nothing left in him to get rid of and if he could just get some sleep I think he'd feel better. Any advice?


This is what I get for bragging on our lack of illness this last year. :glare: Stomach bug two time in 2 months??? :glare:

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Considering the medicine that it is, you would need to consider that it has been absorbed. It's not going to make him better to give that particular medicine, and the risk of overdose is real. Liquids are absorbed rapidly.


In fact, in Australia that is now a prescription only medicine for a child under 6 due to the risk of serious adverse effects in young children. Try some liquid paractemol. If that stays down for ten minutes you can assume that most of it has been absorbed.


Hope this helps

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My dd was recently in the hospital for surgery and once she threw up directly after taking her pain med. They wouldn't redose her until time for the next dose (4 hours in her case). They told me you never know how much was absorbed. A nurse told me she's had kids throw up immediately after giving them pills, and the pills weren't there. Freaky.

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