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Ticks, management, yard and kids

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Do you have to be challenged with ticks and such? If so, how do you protect your kids in the yard or on local nature hikes? I live in CT with an acre of woods in my front yard. It is tick season up here with the big fear being Lyme Disease (all too common in these parts). I don’t like the idea of spraying my kids with Off and Deet every day. I don’t want to treat the lawn because of fear of it slipping into the water table and contaminating our well. I can’t send kids outside to play with socks up to their knees covering their jeans every day, especially as the summer nears (simply not practical). And I can’t keep my kids in a bubble. Is there an option I am missing? I found a Lonestar tick inside my house today. I’m creeped out.

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Guineas are great - but now we're down to one, and without a female to protect he mopes about and stares at his reflection in the window instead of eating ticks. :glare: Must get him a girl.


There are also non-DEET, natural sprays that are very effective. They are listed on the CDC site. We use one with lemon eucalyptus oil, but there are one or two other natural repellents that work as well (but citronella and geranium are not on that list).

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You might consider Damminix Tick Tubes. They are basically cardboard tubes stuffed with cotton that has been treated with permethrin. Placed properly, rodents will carry the cotton to their nests for bedding. The permethrin will kill ticks. You can make your own using toilet paper tubes and permethrin spray - but while it is wet it is a neurotoxin, so personally, I avoid it. Although I'm ok with it when it's dry.


Keep your lawn short, make sure there are no piles of debris. Some people do a small "barrier" between wooded areas and play areas ... I think about 2 feet wide. Some use mulch (treated with permethrin, if one is not opposed to it) but we used pea gravel as I did not want to treat with permethrin, and ticks like moisture retaining areas like mulch. I hoped the gravel would heat up in the sun a bit better.


By the way, yes, I'm a Lyme disease veteran. And these suggestions all came from a talk I attended by Dr. B, the big Lyme doc. I adore that man!

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Another option - TKO Orange spray. Haven't tried it, but it works for some.


We wear Buzz Off clothes for play outside, do daily tick checks, and keep the dogs current on their Frontline.


Hope you find ideas that work for you!

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