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Natural shampoo for swimmer's hair?

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My dd14 and dd5 are on the swim team..starts in a week. We've always used Loreal Swim and Sport, but I'd like something a bit more natural for removing chlorine from their hair. Any suggestions? I'm all for organic/natural or even something that isn't a typical shampoo. Thanks!

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I don't have a good idea for the shampoo, but do you have your kids get their hair as wet as possible before swimming? Your hair can only hold so much water, it it is totally wet with non-chemical water before they go in, the won't get as much chlorine in their hair to start with.

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Aubrey Organics has a swimmer's shampoo, but it made the girls' hair greasy. We finally settled on Aubrey Chamomile Luxurious Volumizing Shampoo (16oz bottle) with an acid rinse (diluted vinegar). Don't forget the rinse. :tongue_smilie: I buy a few bottles of the shampoo at a time to get free shipping, using whichever store is cheapest at the time; $10 or $11 is a good price.

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My daughter, who swims 9 times a week, uses the Whole Foods store brand shampoo and conditioner. Her hair is long, glossy black (she is Chinese) and very healthy. The shampoo comes in several "flavors," and I believe her perference is the minty one. She always showers and washes her hair after swimming, but it is often up to a half-hour later.


If your daughters have very light blonde hair, they might need something else, but my daughter's hair never smells like chlorine after she shampoos. It does before she shampoos, so I assume that the shampoo is removing the chlorine effectively.



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My girls wear caps when they swim so not a TON of chloring gets in, but enough. I also have them wet it before they put it under the cap. We don't have a Whole Foods close by. There is a Trader Joe's about an hour from here and I can always order online. My dd14 has medium-dark brown hair and dd5 has "dirty" blonde.

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One tip that I received last summer for my daughter's very long hair was to get her hair wet and saturate it in conditioner prior to her swimming. It seemed to work wonders.
This is expressly forbidden at our pool as it gunks up the water.
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