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It's going to feel like -55 here tomorrow. Anyone else sick of winter?

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We must not live too terribly far apart! I just posted almost the same thing! LOL I feel your pain (here in Calgary!) I blogged about it this afternoon.


How do we stay sane... hmmm.... we play a lot of Wii (now that we have one), watch movies, drink lots of tea and hot cocoa, I start reading more books aloud for longer times and we have a huge cardboard box that the children have made into a clubhouse that they are spending a lot of time in. They draw a lot. It's this time of year that the creativity is forced out of them!


Whereabouts are you?

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We live in SK. Today it was 5 above Celsius. It was a heat wave. Tomorrow, though, the temps will go down. They are calling for a blizzard and temps of 42 below.


Yes, I am very tired of winter. I have had enough of the frigid cold temps. We have had three snow storms in the past week and a half. I am ready to see some green.


During the winter we play lots of games, read books and drink hot chocolate with marshmallows.



mom of 3 (8,7,5)

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