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Which selections from Tales from Shakespeare?

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Hi! We just finished "A Mid-summer Night's Dream" and also read "As You Like It" and "Romeo and Juliet". I did warn them about tragedies and how everyone dies in the end! You might try letting the younger child act out the story with peg people, stuffed animals, etc. as you read. DD seemed to enjoy that. They were both engaged with the stories and would blurt out predictions of what was going to happen or what the characters should have done. Hope you all enjoy them, too!

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I'm actually not a big fan of the Lambs' book.


My daughter (who started attending full Shakespearean plays before her ninth birthday) always felt the "stories" left out too much of the plot.


Yours may feel differently, of course. But my kids preferred some of the illustrated adaptations by Bruce Coville. Here's a link to one of them: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/William-Shakespeares-A-Midsummer-Nights-Dream/Bruce-Coville/e/9780142501689/?itm=1&USRI=bruce+coville+shakespeare


In terms of story alone, the first play my kids both loved was A Midsummer Night's Dream. The Tempest is fun, too. Romeo and Juliet will probably be familiar to most kids and can be a good place to start, although I generally think kids do better with the comedies.


Have fun! Remember, Shakespeare was writing the blockbusters of his day.

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