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I have always had to take Reglan and Fenugreek to increase my milk supply. I met with my midwife yesterday. Grayson isn't due for about 8 more weeks but my babies have always been born before 39 weeks so I have about 5 to 6 more weeks. She has a lacation consultant in the office that met with me yesterday. She suggest that I start taking Alfalfa and Goats Rue now. I was wondering what brands would you suggest to be effective and affordable. Thanks Susan

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I am guessing with the first two kids that no bottles were given in those first few days (obviously...no bottles!)? I don't have any experience with low supply so I don't know how valuable my input would be, but I have successfully bf'd two babies so I am just running through my list in my head of the important factors I know that contribute to supply issues. Lots of skin to skin contact and comfort nursing, oatmeal, water, making sure the baby is nursing on each side long enough to get to the hind milk, mother's milk tea, sleep, destress, and allowing the baby to stay latched on even when done nursing. I assume since you already moved onto Reglan, you probably did all these other things, but thought I would throw them out there just in case. I hope it's a bit easier for you this time around.

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Where did you get your fenugreek in the past? I always bought mine from Swanson's http://www.swansonvitamins.com/ Really cheap and effective ( I bought their product, but they also sell other brands). I see that they carry the alfalfa but I don't see the goat's rue.


****I know you didn't ask, but I have say something about the Reglan. If you choose to use it again, just be very, very, very careful. I heard the horror stories and was sure it wouldn't happen to me, since I never have any even slight tendencies toward depression. After 4 weeks, when it had built up in my system, I cracked. For 10 days while my system cleared the drug I could not function. WORST time of my life. There are warnings about it on kellymom too. I'm sure you are aware since you've used it before, but just make sure you are really being closely monitored if you use it again. It took me a couple months to completely regain my supply after the crash from the Reglan too. What a nightmare. After seeing what happened to me, my LC has decided NEVER to recommend it to anyone again.*** End of unsolicited rant :)

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I never did try the alfalfa as a separate supplement, just in mother's milk tea. The fenugreek (along with oatmeal and the tea and nursing at least every 2 hours) was enough for me. The only reason I even tried the Reglan was that ds3 had an undiagnosed tongue-tie for 9 weeks (until I found a LC who knew what she was doing) which really dropped my supply, so I was desperate to jump my supply back quickly. If we hadn't had that complication I'm sure my previous routine would have been okay.


I have to admit I breathed a sigh of relief when you said you weren't going to use the Reglan. Hug your midwife and LC for me, please. ;)

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Here is some more advice. Please please please do not give your baby a pacifier or a bottle in the first few weeks. A baby needs to suck on you to be able to stimulate your prolactin and oxytocin to get the milk to come in. For every hour that the baby is sucking on a binky, he isn't stimulating your bOOks to make milk. Also, a baby sucks on a pacifier completely different than on a bOOk and can therefore suck incorrectly on what he is supposed to be sucking on. There is NOTHING.I.MEAN....NOTHING more frustrating than a new mom that says "baby doesn't like to nurse on me, only on the pacifier" do you think? he only has to open his lips and you can jam the bink in whereas he has to actively take a part in latching on to the bOOks. When a baby can latch, suck, nippies aren't sore, milk is in and established, then baby can have 50 binkies for all I care. (Disclaimer...not all babies are like that. Some can come out and suck wallpaper off the wall, but the majority of them do have nippie preference...not confusion but preference)


OK, now on to supply. Feed, feed, feed, feed often and long. I also suggest Domperidone instead of Reglan. Reglan can make a nasty wicked depression as another poster said. You can get Domperidone in some compounding pharmacies, in Canada and on the internet from New Zealand at inhousepharmacy.biz I took Domp to get my milk to come in (along with a whole protocol for adoptive nursing) and DD is still nursing and has no intention of quitting at 26 months old. Lots of water also, drink one glass everytime baby nurses..

Oatmeal, alphalfa, blessed thistle, fenugreek are all good but don't start them until the baby is born. You have a placenta telling your body to not make milk yet. When the placenta comes out your progesterone levels will dramatically fall, thereby letting the prolactin/oxytocin do their jobs at making milk. It is then that the herbs will be effective. You can take the Domperidone now though. It makes the glandular tissue develop.


Good luck!!!!

Edited by misidawnrn
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I had low supply issues with my first and struggled. A friend had a baby with a cleft palate a few months after my son stopped nursing and because she had to pump to bottlefeed the baby, her lactation consultant suggested the More Milk Special Blend from Mother Love Herbals. I tried it with #2 and had no problems. Did not need it for #3 or #4. I highly recommend it.

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