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Advice ~ send dd to a homeschool co-op for math OR buy on-line math class like BJU???

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My daughter used Saxon math K, 1, 2, 3 and got A's. Then her seizure hit and we went ahead and proceeded to Saxon Math 5/4 for 4th grade. She did not do well (b/c of the effects of her "then" on-set epilepsy). For those of you who use Saxon, that is a logical step. She did SO well in Saxon that I moved her from grade 3 to 5/4 (skipping 4) b/c 5/4 is for the bright 4th grader which she was (and is) and the average/struggling 5th grader.


Well, I repeated 5/4 in 5th grade. She didn't do as well, again. So, I figured it was Saxon and bought BJU math for this current 6th grade. It is wonderful (thanks, Melissa!), but it is time consuming and she takes a loooooong time to finish. BUT, she is scoring high again. However, as I look back she does still miss quite a few depending on the topic. Overall, she's doing fine.


Here's my dilemma. She will start 7th grade this fall, but I'll start her a bit early. I do NOT have time or patience (anymore ;)) teaching her "math". I need help..outside help. These are the choices.


1. Send her to the homeschool academy. It is now a private school, but operates as a university style co-op with classes on M/W, T/TH OR M-TH depending on the grade level and subject. There are several hundred families there. Teachers are mostly "certified" and former public and/or private educators. She actually went there K-4...some years taking 1 class and and other years taking 2 classes for SUPPLEMENT to my efforts only. I still "full time" homeschooled her. She went there to "learn under another adult and learn to submit" and to make friends/socialize. She learned the adult aspect but did not make one friend. :confused: She's an only child and we thought this would be great for her. Teacher/student ratio is minimum 1:5 and maximum 1:15. Cost is $700.00 for the year plus add ons bringing it to $1200.00 for the academic year for 1 class.


Pros: A certified public teacher will teach the class. It will get her out of the house. She'll learn from her peers and socialize (maybe), etc.


Cons: It's expensive and I need to consider my time away from house. It's only a ten min drive, but getting ready to leave, class itself, drive time home and transition time will now take out about 2 hours a day. We'll leave at 11:25 to get there for an 11:40 class. She'll be out at 12:35 and eventhough we'll be home by 12:50 she'll need to eat lunch and "re-focus" which will be about 1:30....hence the 2 hours out. Now it will be T/TH only, but she will of course have homework.


2. Buy BJU math on-line course. This is about $1,000.00 for the year.


Pros: She can stay home. We won't have 1 of the 2 hours out from above. The other hour she would be "learning" in academy environment or home.


Cons: We've never used an on-line program before and I don't know if it would work for my dd


3. Stay with what we are doing. AM I NUTS to even offer this???


Pros: ?????


Cons: It would drirve both of us nuts.


My dd has controlled epilepsy and no longer has seizure, BUT she lacks attention, etc. She has residual issues. She was on add/adhd meds until recently....taken off due to agression as an effect from taking them. We will be looking into a "non-stimulant" add/adhd med like intuniv and HOPING it will better her focus and NOT cause the aggression.


What do you say? AND WHY?



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TT keeps coming up again.and.again. While it's considered a good program, I had heard that it may not be as thorough. But, then again, my dd is not going to major in math so it really may be the best option. Another concern is that it doesn't explain how's and why's as well which my dd will need.


It keeps resurfacing so maybe I need to consider this. THANKS!

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I love TT, but I wouldn't recommend it in this case. Why? Because she is doing well with BJU. TT is more similar to Saxon in its setup. (I think it has fantastic explanations. I feel it is plenty thorough.) If she didn't do well with Saxon, she probably won't with TT. ALso, if it ain't broke don't fix it. I would stick with BJU using either their online school (haven't tried it), dvd's (love them), or just doing it myself (my approach with BJU math).

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