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s/o Fun things you quiz your kids about

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Maybe we can help each other think of things we haven't "covered" so that they won't be embarrassingly ignorant when they're teenagers. ;) Okay, I'm being silly, but for real, we do have little quizzes at dinner most nights. We have placemats that inspired a lot of the trivia we discuss: capitals in the US and world, Presidents of the US, Rocks and Minerals, other geography, and...well, and cat breeds, although they can probably get along okay without being able to identify a Maine Coon. :D


Dh, the big political and news guy, likes to throw in questions such as "Who is the current Vice President" and "How often do we vote for a new President?" He doesn't want our kids to grow up to be one of those "man-on-the-street" interviewees who think the Vice President is maybe named Bill somebody.


Last night, I threw in questions about the highest mountain in the US (dd14 got it), which state it was in (nobody knew), the world's tallest mountain (both big kids knew that) and what the worlds and US's longest rivers were. (dd 14 knew those; ds11 thought the Amazon River was in Africa.)


Anyone else do this sort of thing?

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We do, but it's less planned, and usually follows whatever pops into our heads that day. Often it's frivolous pop culture stuff. Seriously, my kids are clueless about a lot of main stream culture things such as music and movies. (like having no idea who BB King was...gasp!) I joked with my DD14 that she needed a pop culture course before she graduated, so she wouldn't feel like she came from another planet. (for what it's worth, her seclusion from the world is self-imposed. She's stuck in 80's soft rock and anime movies)


Sometimes it's the most disgusting things they can come up with, or it might be something we saw on the news that day.

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Mine are teens, but I still quiz them. I especially enjoy Latin and Greek word roots. If they ask me what a word means, I make them think about the root instead of just telling them. Fun for me, probably not so much for them. ;)

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