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Those of you that live in active-wear...

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I would like to find some comfortable active wear for this summer. I want to look decent, have freedom of movement and comfort going to grocery, running in my neighborhood, cleaning my house, playing at the park with my kids and lounging on the couch with a good book. I am thinking something like exercise capri's, or yoga shorts or something like that. I am not sure about the top.


So, what do you wear? Links and/or pictures please!

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love.love.love. (these are quite possibly the most comfortable things in the world :D )


You can wear them with a tank top, t-shirt, hoody, whatever.


(They have the style with the elastic on the ankles as well, but I hate that!)


edit: on the chance that the link doesn't work because it's Canadian (I know Roots is in the USA as well, it just automatically sends me to the Canadian site), I'm attaching a picture.



Edited by LidiyaDawn
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